Responses from pgaulke60
McIntosh I wouldn’t panic. Ask your dealer to check up on it. I know that several products are indeed on back order. Just don’t have the staff to fill orders fast enough. Some products literally have one or two people building them.My MCT 500 CD Transp... | |
My System's Weakest Link - What Say You... BTW What are buttkickers? | |
My System's Weakest Link - What Say You... Thank you all for the responses. They have been great, and mirror lots of my thinking.At this point, I am thinking my MT5 turntable is the weak link given all the vinyl I listen to. I'm looking to upgrade the turntable to something on par with t... | |
Is louder better? Many interesting responses hear that have lots of relevance. But I don't believe their is a universal rule that can be applied to answer your question. Tends on the music, mostly. Recordings too can be sublime or harsh. Obviously one sounds be... | |
Jazz listening: Is it about the music? Or is it about the sound? A few issues back The Absolute Sound had a Editor Column (guest I think) that discussed three types of listening. Made perfect sense to me. I'll paraphrase: (1) Listening to and for the best possible sound imaginable; (2) Listening to and for th... | |
Amplifier knobs...where to "set" on the clock? My McIntosh MC2152 does not have volume controls, but I have plenty of other knobs I can turn! | |
members and their systems @glupson "I bought all of my audio equipment myself. It was not that expensive, unless you ask my friends" I love it.How many times has this happened to you: A friend comes over, you turn on the system to play beautiful sounds for them, and the ... | |
Experience With Linear Tracking Turntables Thanks for the responses thus far. I understand the benefits of a linear tracking tonearm. From a common sense standpoint coupled with high school geometry, it does make sense. But if is such a good thing, then why are there so few linear track... | |
Band of an instrumental piece played in march 1971 on a FM station from Muncie, IN? I think the electric violin has to be the clue here. Please let us know if you ever find the answer. I'm shooting for an early progressive bands called "If" or the Italian band PFM. | |
The Most "Analog" CD Player? If I add a DAC does it turn from a player to a transport? | |
Had an epiphany, what would happen when all of you die? @luisma31. Music lives and will continue to live and provide people pleasure. As long as that is happening, there will be a desire to reach new levels of listening pleasure. I trust the hobby live on. I wrote into my will what my children shou... | |
Jerry Garcia’s McIntosh amp @doug714 Fun Post. Thanks. | |
Worst Concerts You Have Attended ?? Oh, I remember another awfully boring show. It a James Taylor show in the mid-80's. I was in college and worked the show. I kept leaving to go to a friends party then come back hoping it got better. Never did. It was just so bloody boring. | |
Worst Concerts You Have Attended ?? Without a doubt, it was a Black Sabbath show in the mid-90's with Ozzy. It was loud, and just droned on and on. I went to see the opening band which was the Alvin Lee Band. Which was cool enough, but the real reason I went was Mick Taylor was i... | |
Sonus Faber speaker boxes worth $1200 ? Boxes or Crates? Many times it is the inner packing that is more of a priority than the external sides. |