
Responses from pgaulke60

Does a turntable mat make any difference?
If turntable mats were a good idea they would come with higher end turntables, which they don’t. Plus, as said, adding a mat elevates the LP and there you need to make adjustments to the arm and stylus. What happens if you A-B three or four mats. ... 
Tube Phonostage Causing Rumble and Noises
Do you have a modem or internet satellite (like an Orbi) close by?  I notice that my phono pre-amp meters have activity when the Orbi satellite is close by.  
Why No McIntosh Recommendations?
I listen to a metric ton of really high end equipment.  Much of it is quite analytical.  McIntosh is a lovely warm sound.  A natural sound.  The sound of live performances.  I am sold on my McIntosh / Sonus Faber System.    
Keb Mo
I interviewed him back in the 1990's.  Told him that I think he needs to record an album with Cassandra Wilson.  I think the paring would be magical.  
Robert Plant
I like most all of us of that age listened to them in high school.  Yes, we were pummeled by them on FM radio. Then I got a bootleg set of their MSG shows (75 I think).  All of them and the whole shows.  I could not believe that the length of eve... 
Quality of Sirius XM
Thanks everyone for the comments and clarity.  Much appreciated.  As I said, it is in the bar room.  Not exactly high end listening.  The Sonus Faber ceiling speakers are powered by a Sonos Amp, so again, not much high fidelity here.  But, your re... 
Ultimate Turntable search...OMA K5 or ?
Bergmann Galder w/ Odin Linear tracking tonearm.  Amazing equipment.  Every time I listen I am impressed at how good it sounds, and frankly what it doesn’t sound like.  Total blackness.  Any number of quality cartridges will do the trick.  I use a... 
Is There Just One Single Album That Does It For You, Completely? Just One.
I think I would have to pick a compilation album, and double at that.  Then there would be multiple tunes and artists for multiple moods.  
SACD is VERY confusing
My McIntosh transport has a proprietary MCT cable running to the McIntosh DAC. The display on the DAC says SACD when a SACD is played.  I assume it is the same as Paul McGowen is describing with their PS Audio stuff.  
Acoustically Treating a Bomb Shelter
Would love to see some pictures  
LOUDEST Concert and Tinnitus
Easy for me. First was the Outlaws in 1979. Green Grass and High Tides for about 28 minutes and ear piercing volumes. Ears rang for two solid days. Second was Ian Hunter with Mick Ronson on guitar.  I was on the rail and it was another ear pierc... 
Box Set Outer Sleeves
@slaw  Thanks Slaw.  They have sleeves that go up to AP UHQR.  Their sleeves only fit to about 1.33 inch thickness.  Need something that goes 1.75 to 2.0 inches. Not sure why this is such a difficult search.😵  
Box Set Outer Sleeves
@arcticdeth  That site does not look safe.  My computer says "Danger Will Robinson".  
Advice for a new analog system
For that money, check out the Bergmann turntables.  Modi or Galder models.  They perform superbly.  Several options for cartridges.  Their linear tracking arms are excellent.  Make sure you get a good tube phono preamp.  The combination of a Bergm... 
Experience With Linear Tracking Turntables
Thought I would update you all on my original post from March 2021. I invested in a Bergmann Galder Air Bearing Turntable with an Odin Liner Tracking Tone Arm.  Simply an amazing turntable and arm.  So black, so quiet.  I put a Sumiko Palo Santos...