

Responses from pdreher

Top 5 Entry-level audiophile speakers $1500-2000?
Even though I'm a BIG fan & loyal owner of Dynaudio speakers, low volume listening is not their strong suit. I'd recommend looking for some high efficiency speakers that can easily be driven by a moderately powered tube integrated amp. Jond's ... 
What do you do when you listen to music?
90% of the time I surf the web, reading... 8% just listening, < 2% cleaning the acquarium. 
Pairing Aesthetix Calypso w/ Pass Labs or Plinius?
There's a review of the Calypso on Audiogon which the reviewer has paired with the Plinius SA-102.I own the SA-102, and hope to add the Calypso pre this spring / summer when I have spare funds. 
Which floorstander to match Accuphase E-450?
I'll throw out a few: (all fall into your $ range used)1. Dynaudio Confidence C2's (I own these and am biased)2. Verity Parsifal Encore3. Von Schweikert VR-4SR, VR-5SE, DB-99mkIICould also go with Dynaudio C1 monitors with a REL Studio subwoofer. 
Why spend megabucks on a tuner?
I listen to a local classical station several times a week via a modded Jolida tuner with very satisfying results. I hope to eventually upgrade to a Magnum Dynalab MD-102 triode when funds permit. 
Moving away from tubes. Is this a good idea?
Reading thru all of the responses, I concur with Tvad on trying the recommended Cayin or Prima Luna integrateds. These amps all have exceptionally solid "bang for the buck" reputations. Rogue Cronus is also a noteworthy suggestion.Aball's suggesti... 
Ditto again on the Audio Aero Prima, but I'm biased as an AA owner. The Rega's also have a strong, enduring following. Another player to consider that is not on your list is the Arcam CD 23. 
Tube CD Players other than Jolida
another vote for Audio Aero Prima. 
Speakers that mate well with Plinius 9200
If you can extend your budget to $2500, you can probably get a used pair of Dynaudio Contour 3.4's. Plinius and Dynaudio are considered to have strong synergy. 
Poll.....what size is your room?
I got a room in the basement for my own. 16' x 20' but a very short ceiling ranging from 6' to 7'. 
Need speaker suggestions
You can pick up a used pair of VonSchweikert VR-2's for about $1600... easy to drive & well built. 
Class A amp vs Class D amp
Mixing the Classe amps for the fronts and the cheaper Rotel for the center and surrounds is not a problem, and would be the preferred way to go if you are truly sold on investing in a surround system. However, from personal experience, I'd skip su... 
More than one CD player
I only have one cdp(Audio Aero Capitole 24/192), but it would be intriguing to try to find a sleeper out there... either a classic (older Arcam 192 or FMJ 23T), or the latest flavor of the month from China.However, in the grand scheme of things, I... 
CD Player: "Love at First Listen" recommendation
Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 
Parts Connexion
They modded my very inexpensive Jolida JD 402 tuner, and it sounds great!