Responses from pdreher
Top 5 Entry-level audiophile speakers $1500-2000? Even though I'm a BIG fan & loyal owner of Dynaudio speakers, low volume listening is not their strong suit. I'd recommend looking for some high efficiency speakers that can easily be driven by a moderately powered tube integrated amp. Jond's ... | |
What do you do when you listen to music? 90% of the time I surf the web, reading... 8% just listening, < 2% cleaning the acquarium. | |
Pairing Aesthetix Calypso w/ Pass Labs or Plinius? There's a review of the Calypso on Audiogon which the reviewer has paired with the Plinius SA-102.I own the SA-102, and hope to add the Calypso pre this spring / summer when I have spare funds. | |
Which floorstander to match Accuphase E-450? I'll throw out a few: (all fall into your $ range used)1. Dynaudio Confidence C2's (I own these and am biased)2. Verity Parsifal Encore3. Von Schweikert VR-4SR, VR-5SE, DB-99mkIICould also go with Dynaudio C1 monitors with a REL Studio subwoofer. | |
Why spend megabucks on a tuner? I listen to a local classical station several times a week via a modded Jolida tuner with very satisfying results. I hope to eventually upgrade to a Magnum Dynalab MD-102 triode when funds permit. | |
Moving away from tubes. Is this a good idea? Reading thru all of the responses, I concur with Tvad on trying the recommended Cayin or Prima Luna integrateds. These amps all have exceptionally solid "bang for the buck" reputations. Rogue Cronus is also a noteworthy suggestion.Aball's suggesti... | |
UPGRADE CDP NEED YOUR HELP Ditto again on the Audio Aero Prima, but I'm biased as an AA owner. The Rega's also have a strong, enduring following. Another player to consider that is not on your list is the Arcam CD 23. | |
Tube CD Players other than Jolida another vote for Audio Aero Prima. | |
Speakers that mate well with Plinius 9200 If you can extend your budget to $2500, you can probably get a used pair of Dynaudio Contour 3.4's. Plinius and Dynaudio are considered to have strong synergy. | |
Poll.....what size is your room? I got a room in the basement for my own. 16' x 20' but a very short ceiling ranging from 6' to 7'. | |
Need speaker suggestions You can pick up a used pair of VonSchweikert VR-2's for about $1600... easy to drive & well built. | |
Class A amp vs Class D amp Mixing the Classe amps for the fronts and the cheaper Rotel for the center and surrounds is not a problem, and would be the preferred way to go if you are truly sold on investing in a surround system. However, from personal experience, I'd skip su... | |
More than one CD player I only have one cdp(Audio Aero Capitole 24/192), but it would be intriguing to try to find a sleeper out there... either a classic (older Arcam 192 or FMJ 23T), or the latest flavor of the month from China.However, in the grand scheme of things, I... | |
CD Player: "Love at First Listen" recommendation Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 | |
Parts Connexion They modded my very inexpensive Jolida JD 402 tuner, and it sounds great! |