Responses from pdreher
Parts Connexion They modded my very inexpensive Jolida JD 402 tuner, and it sounds great! | |
What's up with the 'Piano' gloss???? Hhdinc - I did a little bit of woodworking in my younger days, and I agree with you, that a rich wood finish is the way to go. My favorite speaker finish that I've seen was on a pair of Dynaudio 1.3SE monitors in Birdseye Maple. I sold them to upg... | |
Tube CD-player question Not sure of your budget, but I love my Audio Aero Capitol 24/192 (approx. $3K used). | |
Audio Aero Capitole - 6021W subminiature tube ?? Mitch - I own the Capitol 24/192 with a "modified" SE mod (cryoed tubes & upgraded caps). The folks @ Globe are quite helpful and responsive... don't hesitate to get their input, as they are the best to contact if you are needing advice or rep... | |
Help needed on a solid state amp?? I've not owned the Krell, however, I can vouch for the excellent value of the 8200 MKII on the used market. | |
Musical Fidelity a308 int. or Plinius 8200 I can't speak to the a308, but I did own the Plinius 8200 MKII, and found it to be a very synergistic match with Dynaudio 1.3SE's. A nice full smooth sound, dependable, solid build and very reasonable on the used market (I had paid $1,200 and sold... | |
Personal speaker evolution 1. Fresh out of college (1989) - Yamaha NS10M monitors2. B&W 300 series surround system w/Atlantic Tech sub3. Dynaudio Audience surround system w/Velodyne sub4. Soliloquy 6.2 floorstanding monitors5. Silverline Sonata II floorstanders6. Dynaud... | |
Avalon Ascendants - How is the treble? If your needing more fullness and detailed bottom end, I recommend you consider keeping your M30's and add a REL sub. This would save you some money, and if your still not satisfied, REL and Harbeth's hold their value very well on the used market. | |
subs and monitors Another vote for REL. | |
RBH sound system + Denon Denon recvrs are overated IMHO. I'd be looking at Arcam & Outlaw. | |
Can i clean the female insides of my powercables ? I wonder if Dave Letterman is an audiophile? He'd probably be amused by this one. Classic comedic stuff here, but don't quit your day job! | |
I need help on directionality of speaker cables Thanks for the responses... I did not intend to get folks riled up over what I thought was an innocent question :0)I've gone with the advice of Aball & Fatparrot, and all is well. Peace out. | |
Your 5 Fav Rock Concerts 1. The Replacements - Don't Tell a Soul tour @ the Robert Orpheum Theater in St. Louis (1990'ish).2. Paul Westerberg - 14 Songs tour @ Mississippi Nights in St. Louis (1994).3. Sting & Lyle Lovett @ Riverport in St. Louis (1996)... this probab... | |
Counterfeit Audio? I looked at the ad in question. My gut instinct is to "STAY AWAY"! Among other things, the picture of the packaging does not look like it came from a legit manufacturer. I would think that a legit Cello component would have custom sized packaging.... | |
Rogue Cronus too bright Call the folks at Rogue.... their customer service is supposed to be very good. |