

Responses from pdreher

Parts Connexion
They modded my very inexpensive Jolida JD 402 tuner, and it sounds great! 
What's up with the 'Piano' gloss????
Hhdinc - I did a little bit of woodworking in my younger days, and I agree with you, that a rich wood finish is the way to go. My favorite speaker finish that I've seen was on a pair of Dynaudio 1.3SE monitors in Birdseye Maple. I sold them to upg... 
Tube CD-player question
Not sure of your budget, but I love my Audio Aero Capitol 24/192 (approx. $3K used). 
Audio Aero Capitole - 6021W subminiature tube ??
Mitch - I own the Capitol 24/192 with a "modified" SE mod (cryoed tubes & upgraded caps). The folks @ Globe are quite helpful and responsive... don't hesitate to get their input, as they are the best to contact if you are needing advice or rep... 
Help needed on a solid state amp??
I've not owned the Krell, however, I can vouch for the excellent value of the 8200 MKII on the used market. 
Musical Fidelity a308 int. or Plinius 8200
I can't speak to the a308, but I did own the Plinius 8200 MKII, and found it to be a very synergistic match with Dynaudio 1.3SE's. A nice full smooth sound, dependable, solid build and very reasonable on the used market (I had paid $1,200 and sold... 
Personal speaker evolution
1. Fresh out of college (1989) - Yamaha NS10M monitors2. B&W 300 series surround system w/Atlantic Tech sub3. Dynaudio Audience surround system w/Velodyne sub4. Soliloquy 6.2 floorstanding monitors5. Silverline Sonata II floorstanders6. Dynaud... 
Avalon Ascendants - How is the treble?
If your needing more fullness and detailed bottom end, I recommend you consider keeping your M30's and add a REL sub. This would save you some money, and if your still not satisfied, REL and Harbeth's hold their value very well on the used market. 
subs and monitors
Another vote for REL. 
RBH sound system + Denon
Denon recvrs are overated IMHO. I'd be looking at Arcam & Outlaw. 
Can i clean the female insides of my powercables ?
I wonder if Dave Letterman is an audiophile? He'd probably be amused by this one. Classic comedic stuff here, but don't quit your day job! 
I need help on directionality of speaker cables
Thanks for the responses... I did not intend to get folks riled up over what I thought was an innocent question :0)I've gone with the advice of Aball & Fatparrot, and all is well. Peace out. 
Your 5 Fav Rock Concerts
1. The Replacements - Don't Tell a Soul tour @ the Robert Orpheum Theater in St. Louis (1990'ish).2. Paul Westerberg - 14 Songs tour @ Mississippi Nights in St. Louis (1994).3. Sting & Lyle Lovett @ Riverport in St. Louis (1996)... this probab... 
Counterfeit Audio?
I looked at the ad in question. My gut instinct is to "STAY AWAY"! Among other things, the picture of the packaging does not look like it came from a legit manufacturer. I would think that a legit Cello component would have custom sized packaging.... 
Rogue Cronus too bright
Call the folks at Rogue.... their customer service is supposed to be very good.