

Responses from pbnaudio

Are Dusson amplifiers still available in the US?
Hey - Just the guy Im looking for :-) Dussun amplifiers were imported by Ping Gong of AAA Audio - don't know if they still are. If you are looking to buy used I have one for sale :-) ThanksPeter 
phono amp +/- €1500
Liberty Audio B2B-1From its creator :-)ThanksPeter 
Frequency Response?
Kijanki - the speed of sound in dry air is 343.2 M / Sec = 1126 ft/Sec 
Anti-Skate dial-How to set it? + a bonus question
Buy one of the cheap electronic VTF scales - about $40 - well worth the expense. Most anti skate settings are in numeric order according to grams of VTF.Good luckPeter 
interesting phenomena in the cutting room
Ralph - what cutting angle are you setting the machine to ? So we can get that pesky "RTA" set correctly :-) All in good funPeterPS For explanation of "RTA" see previous post about the USB Microscope 
seek a threashold power amplifier
Unsound - I don't know for sure about the Thresholds - but it may not be that easy as the higher wattage requires a higher rail voltage which would require a different transformer not to mention that the components (Capacitors/Transistors) in the ... 
seek a threashold power amplifier
I think you are looking for a Threshold SA-12EThey pop up here sometimes and on Ebay tooGood luckPeter 
Sutherland 2020 vs Parasound jc 3
Have you considered the Liberty Audio B2B-1I make them :-)Peter 
Digital microscope recommendations
MoFi -Work with me here - Real Tracking Angle :-) a combination of SRA and VTA my inability to type made it up :-) All in good funPeter 
Digital microscope recommendations
http://www.recordcollectorsguild.org/index.php?name=Sections&req=viewarticle&artid=8&allpages=1&theme=Printer Above gives some indication on what to look for - but google it yourself and explore  
Digital microscope recommendations
Sorry its a model AM313 not 320 Peter 
Digital microscope recommendations
On recommendation from MF I got the Dinolite 320 which includes measuring software so one can accurately set RTA - could not be happier, got the matching stand too - a MUST - also to get close enough one needs to remove the clear plastic shell on ... 
Recommendations....like this CD
Just ordered it - looks looks a great CD - looking forward to listening to it - thanks for the tipPeter 
Audiogon sellers, please stop and read this thread
It's an old scam - just this weekend I've got several "offers" on items I have for sale here. They all have the same "tone" to them "Dear Seller" etc. Its clear that the fraudsters have no clue about what they are "buying" I of course alerted Audi... 
x-tronic 4000 soldering station
Weller makes about the best there is as far as soldering stations - we have about 5 of them. Good luck on your project - if soldering wire to connectors make sure you get an iron with enough tip mass to do the job properly.Peter