Responses from pauly
Why is science just a starting point and not an end point? I don't reject all claims without scientific proof, only ridiculous claims where not even a bare minimum of effort was extended to see if it made sense. Observation does not need proof, nor is there any obligation on the observer to expend effort ... | |
Make way for the future.... It would probably a good option for an RV or a small apartment. | |
Why is science just a starting point and not an end point? The article on scientism is nonsense. I’ve read it, it’s so full of holes to be useless. Of course you’d claim it’s nonsense. It exposes people like you. The irony is that you don’t seem to have the presence of mind to realize that your posts are ... | |
Why is science just a starting point and not an end point? " Test tones can show distortion and noise better than music. :It doesn't. Many amplifiers with very low THD numbers sound terrible. Many amps with bad THD numbers sound very good. Test tones are well chosen to stress the device under test.That... | |
Why is science just a starting point and not an end point? An interesting article pertaining to the "know-all's" on the forum. Scientism | Psychology Today | |
Source of Static? Chances are it's your volume pot. Try spray if you have. If you don't, quickly turn the volume pot back and forth from stop to stop a dozen or so times - the amp must off of course :-)I've just had the same. Spray and manipulating the volume pot ... | |
Why is science just a starting point and not an end point? Test tones are a good indication if your component is capable of delivering the musical signal in its entirety so you can decide how it sounds. To what end? If I am going to need to listen to the audio equipment to decide how it sounds, what p... | |
Why is science just a starting point and not an end point? Simple answer. Science is behind the curve because we do not know everything there is to know about sound, electricity, metallurgy, and how humans perceive sound. We know some things, but definitely not everything. Not even close. In short, we lac... | |
Interesting 2x2 grid to describe what a component sounds like ... do you agree I like it. It gives you a ballpark as to the sonic fingerprint of the device. That is significantly more useful to me than measurement like THD which bears little to no correlation to what a device sounds like.I won't use it to decide which amp to... | |
Does a Tube Dac make sense? @jjss49 That is so true. Regards | |
Does a Tube Dac make sense? Note to self : Do not engage with the unhinged extremist. Asinine insignificance is all they have on offer. | |
Best and Worst customer service? Not service per se, but the nicest person in audio I have spoken to is Israel Blume of Coincident. I’ve called him with questions more than once and he has taken the time to talk to me even while not owning any of his products. Ralph Kirsten of At... | |
Retract offer We are held to offers we make, but sellers are not held to counter offers. They can sell an item to somebody else 5 min after they made a counter offer to you, and Audiogon will tell you to take a hike when you complain.Money talks … | |
Directions... I have never heard of this tweak. Do I need a clock in the room? | |
Modest cost DC power supply How much juice do they need? If you can get by with around 2A or less, you could use lithium ion battery. They are significantly quieter than any power supply regardless of cost, have no ripple, are not effected by mains noise, and cost less than ... |