
Responses from pardales

ExactPower EP15A
I am trying to decide between the EP-15A, the BPT 10.5, and the Equitech 1.5Q. I am leaning toward the BPT and would love to hear others views about these units. 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Received my TRl SA-14 v2 yesterday. Let the break-in begin. I bought the unit used before I had it sent to TRL, so the unit as a whole is broken in. Do I still need to break in CD and SACD seperately post mod? Thanks, 
Which amp next ?
I second the nomination for the 350.5. I own the 250.5 and love it. I can only imagine that the 350.5 is exceptional s well. 
How much does your system retail for?
20K. Over fifteen years of buying and selling demo/new/used to get there. 
Transport to accompany DAC
Robm321 has a good suggestion. You might also consider the new CEC TL51-Z belt driven CD transport ($1250 new). 
Downsized and still happy, can it happen?
I do not think one necessarily has to compromise when going to integrated amps these days (MAC 6900 and Levinson 383 are amazing integrateds). That said, let me offer you a slightly different perspective. I now have a DAC that also acts as my line... 
Exactpower EP-15A for my system?
Do you need both or could I plug everything into the EP15A? 
PassLabs X250 X350 and X250.5
I do not have a pre, per se. I have an Audio Aero Prima MK II SE DAC that doubles as a linestage. It has analog volume control and 2 line level inputs (in addition to the numerous digital inputs). I love it. And by the way, I am blown away by the ... 
Any experience w/ exact power line conditioner
I currently have a system consisting of a Audio Aero Prima DAC, Marantz SACD player, Pass 250.5 amp, Apple Powerbook, and 2 hard drives. Currently I have a Chang Lightpeed conditioner (2 years ago model that retailed for $399--model 3200, I believ... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
DO IT! Also know that TRL offers your money back on the mod if you are not satisfied with the player. From what I have read, no one has asked for it. 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Once I get my TRL SA-14 I will be able to tell you as I owned the XA777 for some time. It will probably be a few weeks though as TRL just got my unit on Friday. 
CD players with variable output/volume control
Muse Model 11 does (it is also a universal player). I think the Audio Aero Prima does as well. 
What CD players have volume control
Muse Model 11 does (it is also a univeral player). Not sure about earlier Muse models. 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
My understanding was that all the version 2's were in the champagne color. I waited to find one because I wanted one that color. 
MAC & VSA Synergy?
Fishwater: I just received a new Pass Labs 250.5, driving my 4JR's. I cannot report specific findings yet as I have a lot of breaking in to do on several parts of my system. But, I will post some comments in a few weeks.