

Responses from ozzy62

Any Allnic integrated (or separate) amp owners out there?
thanks @tooblue  looking forward to it.Oz 
Any Allnic integrated (or separate) amp owners out there?
@lak thanks for your reply. 
Upgrade thoughts and reccomendations
I'm not sure why changing your speakers or your amp is going to affect the amount of sound that can be heard out in the street. You could buy more efficient speakers that sound better at low volume. Is this what you mean? 
The Miller Carbon Story
So now that we have the Miller Carbon story, how about we get a report on that Blackhawk.Oz 
What Integrated Amp do You use
I just bought an Allnic T-2000 25th Anniversary integrated amplifier. Hope to have it by the weekend. Sure looks like a boss.....Oz 
New Phono Stage - KTE LCR-1 Mk5 Very Impressive!
I was just shopping for another phono stage and ended up with a Fosgate Signature. But this looks interesting too. What are the gain and loading options?Oz 
The Miller Carbon Story
I would think the biggest improvement would be to upgrade the cartridge. Still don't know why people use vinyl. I always thought it to be noisier than a CD player and now streaming is convenient along huge libraries to choose from. The next t... 
MHDT Orchid versus MHDT Pagoda..which one is best?...and why?
(4) Vishay TX2575 resistors(2) Shinkoh resistors(2) Relcap Teflon capacitors(2) Jupiter capacitors(2) Sonicap Platinum output coupling capacitorsI don't think grannyring did the mods, I think the original owner did.Oz 
Quicksilver is midfi. Not knocking it. Well made and has a huge following. But Quicksilver gear sounds like grandpa's old tube amp. So this is how you NOT knock something?Makes sense when you consider the source....... 
Lucky cartridge hunting today
Maybe he means HE bought them all? Otherwise, you are right. The thread title makes no sense....... 
MHDT Orchid versus MHDT Pagoda..which one is best?...and why?
I have not heard the Orchid. But I have owned a stock Havana and now own a heavily modified Pagoda that was purchased from Agon member C_avila. As Phil states, the Pagoda has a lot more resolution than other MHDT DACs while retaining the natural, ... 
My battle with sibilance.
its sounds fantastic, though  But yet it's still "Men At Work"......... 
Long hiatus from audio, getting back into it, speaker/room help please
Welcome to the forum. You've had quite a tough go of it, so you deserve to treat yourself to some audio goodies.Since you've already owned ML speakers, I guess you don't need to hear the speech about the pros and cons of panel speakers. You seem t... 
Boutique/custom vs production tube linestages
I've owned all manner of production tube preamps.LammARCCJdeHavillandAudible IllusionsBATCaryI am currently using a Don Sachs preamp which is certainly about as boutique as they come. I never compared it directly with any of the above, as it repla... 
Speaker Road Trip
Your best bet is to ignore posts like the one by @arcticdethHorns can sound glorious. But it appears that Greg's room needs some attention. I can listen to my Cornwall IVs for hours without the slightest hint of fatigue. Properly set up in a well ...