

Responses from ozzy62

Bob Caver 275 Power Amp
Magico A3 price increases 50%+
@audioman58 So @henry201 doesn't build or modify speakers, so that makes his opinion worthless? How arrogant of you. He has a valid point. I had a good friend who modified a perfectly nice sounding pair of Starsound Caravelles with every boutique ... 
One box do it all
OPAs you build your list, please consider adding Odyssey Audio's integrated unit, Cyclops. Odyssey (Klaus) is in Indianapolis and he builds some high end pieces that IMO are the best buys in audio today. I have his solid state pre, Tempest and ... 
Lot of opinionated losers on this forum.Yikes!You all have fun treating each other like sh1t. Thanks a lot, noob! 
  apparently there are no limits to who MC will throw under the bus. Unless I'm totally off base here, I think you guys have it wrong. Not saying I'm an MC fan, but I believe his sarcasm dial was pegged to the right........ 
So where should the tubes be?
For me as it stands now:Tube DACTube phono stageTube integrated amp (had a tube preamp AND tube amp)Don't let anyone tell you that too many tubes makes a system too "tubey" or too "warm" or "too (insert negative adjective here).If the components a... 
How long does Class A have?
@ebm ! 
One box do it all
@ozzy62 would you include the higher end integrateds in your evaluation as well? Boulder 866, Gryphon Diablo 300, Simaudio 700vi2? No. The OP was pretty specific with his budget and his requirements. There have been several suggestions that do... 
Nirvana sued over "Nevermind" cover photo
The person in the photo has a name, Spencer Elden and appearing on the cover has had a lasting impact on his life. Lasting impact? Right.Who on this site ever heard his name before today? Who cared? 
One box do it all
Yes, my suggestion was valid. Although I didn't offer any advice on what to buy, I did offer advice to think about what you give up in order to achieve what you say you want. Just a thought........Oz 
Good fix-- Have you scratched the wood on your Cornwall IVs?
Good information. I'm actually thinking of selling my JBL L100 Classic speakers and SVS sub and get a pair of the Cornwall IV. I understand they are going up in price in September You've got six days............. 
One box do it all
It sure is nice to have it all in one box. But you have to lower your expectations on sound quality. This is something I'm not willing to do.Oz 
One box do it all
Not sure where you are coming from, but 2500.00 to do all that is slicing pretty thin. I guess you are ok with the hit you will probably take on SQ to get the convenience you want? 
When are people going to wake up and realize listening is a skill?
I have taken my speaker cables with me to the dealer and tried to simulate my current set up @cdamiller5 Did I read that right? All you took was your speaker cables in hopes of "simulating"  your system?Oz 
 I think MC and Ozzy are talking about two different loudspeakers. MC is referring to the older Carver Amazing loudspeakers and Ozzy the latest version that Bob made a couple of years ago. At least I think I got that right.