
Responses from ozfly

Ok this will be a good thread.
Screw it, get a Bose Wave Radio and let the mind take over and enjoy the music. Maybe that's the only way only one component can get us anywhere near where we want to be.Wow, there are a lot of perspectives here and it seems most are correct given... 
How could High End audio be improved?
Ohlala, you're quite right that the subjectivity drives much of the fun and challenge in building a system. It also leads to the hype, confusion, high pricing and chaos which keeps this hobby so esoteric. The first thing I should have addressed is... 
How could High End audio be improved?
IMHO, the biggest issue is not easily resolved: The lack of objectivity. What is better? What is worse? It always depends on far too many factors and it therefore becomes very, very difficult to make good purchasing decisions. In turn, this leads ... 
HELP Electrocompaniet stole Christmas
Zaikesman, I didn't mean to imply that the issue was one of warranty (though my poorly written sentence certainly could have been read that way -- I was trying to combine two ideas). This is not a warranty issue. It is an issue of poor communicati... 
HELP Electrocompaniet stole Christmas
Zaikesman, I couldn't agree more. My post pointed to the reality of the day, not to an ideal by any stretch of the imagination. Onhwy61's comments reinforced those observations. Manufacturers are often handcuffed by their distributors because the ... 
HELP Electrocompaniet stole Christmas
Leftistelf, you raise a number of good points (with Unsound's caveat) and all companies must now face increased price transparency. But, where should CRM (customer relationship management) be applied? The company must walk a fine line between thei... 
HELP Electrocompaniet stole Christmas
Sos, thanks for taking the time to respond so eloquently. I can only speak for myself (but believe others would agree) that a company can make whatever policies they deem fit for their products. The issue is not the policy per se. Rather, the issu... 
Source vs Target: where is the weakness?
P.S. It's critical to have an overall philosophy or approach in mind regardless of how you go. To Kotta's point, the system is the key. For example, do you want to go the SET/efficient speaker route? Are you interested in near field listening? Lis... 
Source vs Target: where is the weakness?
The source is the key. However, there are real world trade-offs. For example, speakers are harder to sell and ship so should you get great speakers first and hold onto them? Or, what if a really great amp deal came along? Should you then build the... 
Why are you here? ...music or equipment
For me, the equipment is pretty much a means to an end. However, with all the debates and unknowns about equipment (e.g., trade-offs in speaker design), it's a lot of fun to research and listen to alternatives. We still know so little about what d... 
HELP Electrocompaniet stole Christmas
Brian, you raise a good point but I believe F S Audio's response confirmed the story. Of course Alan has his reasons for what he did and he undoubtedly believes he did the right thing. Ernie and F S Audio stated those reasons very objectively. Man... 
Real Stinkers
Mdoughty & Jond, thanks for your comments. I listened to Live Art again (I only listened to it once, it sounded so bad). Since my initial listen, I replaced my amps, preamp, speakers, I2S cable, listening room (much more alive), outlets -- and... 
Real Stinkers
Folks, I'll give it another shot. I listened to it the next day after the concert and the live feel simply wasn't there -- the cd sounded stuffy so the music sounded boring. I'll try cleaning it with some of the cd fluid I got from Music Direct an... 
Real Stinkers
Bela Fleck "Live Art" -- heard them live and loved them then I bought the cd and it had no live feel and was just kind of boring.Also, Chick Corea "Childrens Songs" -- I just never connected with the music.Fun topic. Happy New Year Everyone! 
HELP Electrocompaniet stole Christmas
Ernie, I agree with Jeffloistarca that you got hosed. As Sean eloquently stated, it was up to the distributor to save you the time and energy up front. To simply not work on these units (especially after their failure to state their policy) is ine...