
Responses from ozfly

music , mind , thought and emotion
I get the sense we are all saying about the same thing but coming at it from different directions. What neurological pathways are created? It probably does depend on what paths were created before and, I suspect this is true, what paths are being ... 
music , mind , thought and emotion
Asa, good questions. 1) What brain/mind is formed by the experience of music? I'm not sure "formed" is quite as appropriate as "excercised". For me, the left and right brain come together and dance. Sometimes one is leading, sometimes the other. T... 
Why is Double Blind Testing Controversial?
Onhwy61 -- it is specifically the motivations that yield the controversy. A DBT could, with great effort, be designed to yield reasonably valid results. The posts above suggest that such effort is seldom made because the test sponsors don't unders... 
Rare Music?
Cj, as audiophiles, we are of course all crazy ;-) Thanks for looking for the cd -- I found it but it is not available. I'm on the waiting list though. Thanks again.Jeff, a Zappa "Whipping Post" -- that, I've got to hear! 
music , mind , thought and emotion
Onhwy61, I am looking forward to the day when I can fill in the blanks and expand the sound from any source with my mind alone. That is, perhaps, the ultimate goal toward which we should all strive. I suspect that many other things would also fall... 
Rare Music?
Cj, thanks for looking. The address you gave was not a valid one. I looked for the album on the Yahoo site and only saw the Colin James and the Little Big Band II (which is also great but not the same as the first). Thanks again.By the way, I also... 
Why is Double Blind Testing Controversial?
Hats off and a low bow Unsound. 
Your Favorite Austin City Limits
Cp, I saw that one. You're right. It was quite good in a very unexpected way -- I had to change how I thought of him! 
Room acoustics question...
Sorry, please everyone, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought suspended ceilings with acoustical tiles were good things. They might have a downside if you already have a heavily carpeted and furnished room (i.e., dead sounding with lots of mid/hi... 
Why is Double Blind Testing Controversial?
Tobias and Redkiwi hit it on the head. It takes prolonged exposure (post burn-in, which a lot of A/B's may not do) to really absorb the differences. "Night and day differences" aside, most A/B's are a matter of trade-offs -- e.g., a little more ba... 
Rare Music?
Here's a couple of cd's that I own but am having trouble finding for friends. 1) The first Little Big Band album by Colin James. Great music and great fun if you are at all into a swing/rock mix. 2) The Talk Back album by Passport. That is fantast... 
Why I am Selling
Very creative! I'd buy, but I'm waiting for that unit that costs 666 times as much and comes with all those promises of wine, women and song you hear so much about. It does run very hot though. 
Ever Have One Of Those Evenings?
Zaikes, hang in there! I went for 8 months without my primary system which was in storage when my house was being built. I finally got everything together, hooked it up and my power amp started billowing smoke. One of the wires in the preamp came ... 
Link for almost all speaker mfg'r
Thanks. Now I know where to go to compile my Christmas list ;-) Should Audiogon be hot linking to these kinds of sites? What do you think? 
music , mind , thought and emotion
Unsound, if it's any consolation, I'm starting to scare myself. Maybe it's time for a nice single malt!