Responses from orthomead
Ultrasonic LP Cleaning vs. “Thread Type” Cleaning (Keith Monks/Loricraft/etc.) @whart. Would those swirls be Sabbath related? | |
Ultrasonic LP Cleaning vs. “Thread Type” Cleaning (Keith Monks/Loricraft/etc.) @bdp24 Having started where you are currently at, I would offer some unsolicited advice. Unless you have a plans for high end water filtration on your ultrasonic unit, I would clean the records first with the VPI to remove the major crud, then ul... | |
Ultrasonic LP Cleaning vs. “Thread Type” Cleaning (Keith Monks/Loricraft/etc.) I have to second whart's thoughts on Neil Antin's ebook on vinyl cleaning. It is incredibly detailed and covers all aspects of obtaining cleaner vinyl. Highly recommended. The takeaway for me is that no one singular system is complete in terms ... | |
Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!! Having used the PPT products in the past, I'm a believer in this type of technology. My question is for those who have experience with the PPT products and have tried this product -is there a difference? Ozzy, I think I remember you removing the... | |
VAC preamps - too expensive? They are hand built to order. I didn't have such a long wait, though. No shame for waiting, just bad luck is all. In my estimate, still worth it. | |
VAC preamps - too expensive? I have had the VAC Master with phono pre for about 3 weeks now. Holy Moly!! To me it is worth every penny, and then some. The sound is almost palpable and with texture. I cannot use if for background music while I do something else anymore, bec... | |
Remarkably better sound possible with just 1 system component change? @ millercarbonWhere do you have your Schumann generators placed? Do they need to be 5 ft off the floor as suggested? | |
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat @ mooncrikitI suspect only two people have knowledge of the "intricate details" of the PPT mats, and one isn't with us anymore. I don't think that knowledge is necessary though, to understand that they do work. I have multiple mats of the second a... | |
New Hobby Ultrasonic Record Cleaning @ fleschler"Not 45, not 80, not 90 kHz. NEVER 120 kHz or higher. All are proven to damage records over time." I have never seen any data that can confirm this and I think it is likely hyperbole. None of the other ultrasonic manufacturers would b... | |
New Hobby Ultrasonic Record Cleaning @ antinnThanks for your concern. Perhaps there is little to be gained and a lot to be lost by not going from 5% to 3% isopropanol. I'll think I'll make that change. It's also cheaper. Thank you. | |
New Hobby Ultrasonic Record Cleaning I have cleaned nearly 1,000 discs using the V-8 ultrasonic cleaner. Heat is not an issue if it is less than 45 degrees centigrade. I have never had a record warp with this ceiling. Heat is beneficial for cleaning and improves the activity of th... | |
My journey to improved vinyl performance-a new cleaning protocol three_easy_payments As they say "better living through chemistry" Lol. For me, the improvement easily outweighs the hassle factor for selected lps. I think of this as a non-physical tweak to the system that in my hands really seems to work wel... | |
My journey to improved vinyl performance-a new cleaning protocol millercarbon-the theory behind adding the etoh to the water is that it lowers the surface tension of the water, allowing it to get deeper into the grooves, which makes sense | |
My journey to improved vinyl performance-a new cleaning protocol millercarbon-my formula is a bit more simplistic. The rinse is a small volume so I use a tuberculin syringe and a 5 cc syringe. 0.6 cc etoh into 20cc water. I think that adding the multiple surfactant scrubs along with the modified rinse is the ... | |
My journey to improved vinyl performance-a new cleaning protocol Tablejockey-I think maybe I didn't make the point clear. It's not so much quieter records. The real benefit is the detail of the music itself is significantly improved. Sonics as well as spatially. And it's not subtle. You can buy an ultrasoni... |