

Responses from oregonpapa

Ref-75-SE delivered ...
Bifwynne ..,It was the Newport show two years ago. The speakers were the big Vandersteen speakers. Don't remember the model. It was magic. Last year, with the exact same equipment, except the ARC REF-250's were swapped for Vandersteen's new amps, ... 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
Bifwynne ...The only show I'm aware of is the one in Newport Beach - May 29 to 31. Its about 2 hours south of me down the I-405, truly the highway from Hell. I go every year with my Golden Eared buddy Robert and we spend the weekend wandering arou... 
Audio Research 75 SE
Cool, Carey. Good move. where else can you get that kind of improvement for two grand? My understanding is ... we are not really hearing the improvements until the 200 hour mark. 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
Digital quiet ... When CD first came out in the early 80's, I was one of the first to jump on the bandwagon. I bought one of those Phillips top loaders for $150.00. Yep, I was taken by the silence between notes and no surface noise just like every... 
Audio Research 75 SE
Exactly, Knghifi ... and those who gain their sustenance from sucking the positive air out of every room they enter in life need to be challenged every time they open the door. And by the way, I've been listening to the new amp for three hours aga... 
Audio Research 75 SE
Tsshimal...I have two words for ya ... and it ain't Happy Birthday. :>)Read my comments on the REF-75 SE in the new thread I started last night. It should be posted sometime today.In spite of the wishes, hopes and prayers of the trolls, the nay... 
Audio Research 75 SE
Well, all I can say to you, Tsushimal ... is that ARC, like all businesses, has expensed to meet. Your post reminded me of the old joke where a brain surgeon had to call in a plumber to fix a major leak in his home. When the plumber presented the ... 
Isolation platform - Gingko vs Mapleshade
I bought the Mapledshade system with the platform and footers for under my turntable. It made no improvement what so ever. But my shelving is custom made with three layers of dampening material between the layers of wood used to build each shelf. ... 
Audio Research 75 SE
According to my source, the KT-150 tubes account for about 40% to 50% of the improvement in the SE amps. On the KT-150s ... they take a good 100 hours of break-in to start sounding their best. 
Synergistic Research PHT - Phono Transducer
Thank you for the response, Hifimaiac ... much appreciated.Anyone else care to comment?? 
New Audio Research Reference 150 SE
Bifwynne ...Check your PMs. 
Diana Krall, Wallflower
Bombaywalla ...Try Tony Bennett's album with Bill Evans. An important thing to remember about good jazz ... or any music for that matter, is how important the notes that are NOT played are. Miles was a master at this ... and so is Bill Evans. It s... 
What tracks really make your system shine?
BahaaK! Don't make fun until you hear it. *lol*If you're interested, here's a copy presently for sale on Ebay.http://www.ebay.com/itm/DEAN-MARTIN-LP-REPRISE-RS-6123-STEREO-DREAM-WITH-DEAN-/351071651187?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51bd804573... 
Higher resolution Jazz
Here's some older jazz recordings that have fantastic sound ... if your system is up to the challenge.http://www.ebay.com/itm/DAVE-BRUBECK-JAZZ-IMPRESSIONS-OF-THE-USA-CL984-VINYL-LP-1957-MONO-6-EYE-VG-VG-/171720384395?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&has... 
jazzheads need your help: Clark terry
If you like jazz trumpet and don't know about him, try checking out Clifford Brown. The greatest that ever lived. Died way too young at the age of 25 in a car accident, but we have plenty of his recorded music. Blazing technique ... with soul that...