

Responses from oregonpapa

What to do with bad recorded CDs
Geoffkait ...Have you ever noticed, especially early on when CDs first came out, that pianos sounded like those children's toy plastic pianos? Also, on symphonic music, it sounded like the recording engineer had his hand on the volume dial, and in... 
New Audio Research Reference 150 SE
Most likely Herb can't tear himself out of his listening chair to post. *lol* 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
Bifwynne ...Yep, those are the ones. Like I said, flimsy build quality but they work. They transformed my room. 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
Bifwynne ...You've mentioned your room abnormalities a few times. Have you considered the Shataki Holograms? Flimsy build quality, but the darned things really work. I have two pairs ...one pair against the front wall, and another pair right behin... 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
Dbarger ...If you'll read this thread from the beginning, you'll discover that I sold my REF-75 with KT-150's in order to purchase the new SE version. Long story short ... the new REF-75se makes the old amp sound broken ... even with the KT-150s. 
What to do with bad recorded CDs
Get a VCR tape demagnetizer from Radio Shack. Demag your CDs after using any cleaning fluid. This makes CDs sound more analog. It reduces grain and glare. If that doesn't work, then toss them into your "trade box." and when full, take them down to... 
Modern day female jazz recommendations
Sarah Vaughn. Not new I know ... just timeless. 
Sold in one day
Timrhu said: "After reading Oregonpapa's excellent review of his ARC 75SE upgrade experience I took interest in the ad Taters noted. Sold in one day eh? Probably purchased by Wolfgarcia." *lol* ... I just spewed a fresh cup of home roasted Guatema... 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
bifwynne ...It a terrific set. As I said previously, I was lucky to find a set from France in a used record store in Los Angeles (Aarons). I saw the American pressing for sale on Ebay the other day. Here it is .. I found it for you. Its $19.00.htt... 
If you could bring back one great artist that has
Sarah Vaughn. 
Best drink while listening to your rig?
The drink of champions ... water on the rocks. 
Your favorite LP nobody has ever heard of
Acman 3 ...Okay, try this one: Dean Martin: "Dream with Dean." http://www.ebay.com/itm/DEAN-MARTIN-DREAM-WITH-DEAN-REPRISE-RECORDS-R-6123-/201317140974?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2edf6fc9eeOr Sammy Davis Jr & Larindo Almeida Plays." h... 
Your favorite LP nobody has ever heard of
In addition, I listened to a lot of the recommendations made in this thread on "Spotify." Of course this doesn't apply to everyone who made the recommendations, but for those who it does apply to ... how in hell can you stand all of that artificia... 
Your favorite LP nobody has ever heard of
What I find interesting about this thread is how few classic jazz, both vocals and instrumentals, and how few classical albums are listed. There is a whole different world of music to discover out there guys. Not raggin' on ya ... just want to exp... 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
Bifwynne ...That three record set of Linda Ronstadt/Nelson Riddle recordings I have were pressed in France. I was lucky to find it in a used record bin in a Los Angeles record store back in the day. I have all three records on American pressings a...