

Responses from oregonpapa

New Audio Research Reference 150 SE
Herb ...Glad you're enjoying the amp. You still have quite a ways to go on the break-in. I'm at a little over 100 hours now on the REF-75 SE ... and it continues to improve. I listened to the Tony Bennett/Bill Evans album last night ... and my gaw... 
Kanye West - Grammy comment, re Beck
Every time I see Kanye West, with his punked-out, bad-azzed permanent scowl, all I can think of is ... "Now there's a guy who needs a real down home Southern ass-whompin' ..."We can throw Justin Beber into the mix as well. 
Recommendation for a 12 year old
Don't worry about your daugher trashing the turntable. She sounds like an intelligent girl who takes care of her things. If you train her in the proper use of the TT, she should be OK. I taught both of my daughters to play their records on my soun... 
"Warm Sounding" Solid State Amplifiers
Years ago, I picked up a mint Dyna 120 stereo amp at a garage sale really cheap, like for a couple of bucks. I sent it in to Frank Van Alstine for him to install his circuits. The amp that was returned was a real killer of a solid state amp. I fou... 
How to clean inside Amps and PreAmps
The best way to clean solid state equipment is to throw it into a lake and let it lay on the bottom for a couple of years. In the meantime, replace all of the equipment that now sits on the bottom of the lake with good quality vacuum tube equipmen... 
Where to improve phono chain?
Shaq ...Don't overlook your turntable belt. Get a custom belt from Originlive in the UK. Huge improvement with my Well Tempered table. Here's the link:http://www.originlive.com/Happy listening ... 
New Audio Research Reference 150 SE
Bifwynne ...Why didn't they use UPS? Jeez, my REF-75 came back via UPS and the guy even carried into the house for me. 
Sold in one day
Phd ...Have you ever considered that perhaps the "problem with America" lies at the feet of rotten politicians who collect $300,000 for each one hour speech, bank 100s of millions of dirty dollars, and then with their slick salesmanship, convince ... 
New Audio Research Reference 150 SE
Herb & Bifwynne ...Don't be surprised if the amp improves, then takes a little step backwards. This has happened to me on both the REF-75 and the REF-75-SE. By "backwards," I mean a little darkening in the presentation. It soon emerges from th... 
Classe Seventy amp found in alley
Raymonda is right ...Karma is your friend. Do the right thing ... and the next thing you know, you'll run into a pair of Marantz Model Nines at a garage sale for 5 bucks each. :>) 
New Audio Research Reference 150 SE
Herb ...It won't start coming into its own until 60-125 hours. Looking forward to your assessment. 
Classe Seventy amp found in alley
I love these stories. A friend of mine bought a perfectly working ARC-SP3a preamp at an estate sale for thirty-five bucks. Back in the early 80s, I bought a Dynaco ST-70 and a Pas-3 preamp, both in perfect working order, for four bucks each. 
KT 150 Amp Options
If you want to go with an ARC amp, you can get adapters for your single ended cables. Check this out:http://www.doublehelixcables.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=150Nice preamp, by the way. A friend uses the ARC SP3-A an... 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
Rif & Bifwynne ...It seems that anything extra that is in the circuit detracts from the sound quality. That's why the equipment sounds better with the display lights turned off. This is correct, no? 
Vinyl Record Cafe's
Digital completed the job of what transistors started, namely the ruination of reproduced music in the home. Yes, CDs can sound great ... but MP3's? Bleech! I can put Paul Desmond right there between the speakers sounding live ... with a mono reco...