
Responses from o_holter

SUT - electrical theory and practical experience
Dear rauliregas You ask "I think your PS is high gain active unit then why a SUT?" Indeed. "Active" is just the beginning, regarding the Aesthetix Io, you could add dynamic, explosive when needed, and especially, pure. Pure tube sound all the wa... 
Lyra Etna Lambda SL tracking force
This is slightly off topic - but I've found that fine-tuning azimuth on my Lyra Atlas was well worth it. Even though it only needed a small change (which I can do in the arm base of my SME V arm, allthough officially it doesnt have azimuth adjustm... 
Newbie want to improve what I have
I think of it this way. First you need the dimensions of your room. Then you decide where to place the speakers - usually at the short end, playing along the length of the room. Then you investigate and test speakers and amps to get the best match... 
SUT - electrical theory and practical experience
Anyone who have tried a SUT with the Aesthetix Io?  
Why are there so many wooden box speakers out there?
Thanks to Kenjit, above, for an OK answer to my intervention. I take a leaf from your book ok but maybe not the whole book. You raise a good question. It is easy to dismiss and make fun of. But unless we point out the critical problems in audio, ... 
Why are there so many wooden box speakers out there?
Kenjit, I appreciate your question, but could you keep it to that - a question? And not make it into a battle where you know "the truth"? Is spherical always best? If that was the case, why are high level speakers showing an amazing variety of sha... 
Why are my woofers pumping?
A few months before I noticed the woofer pumping with the 2013 Atlas, it was in for a check at a local service shop. Soon after I noticed the pumping, the diamond dropped from the cantilever. So it *may* be that it received some tough handling at ... 
First phono stage upgrade
Best of luck. I am interested in the power supply testing. Does the linear supply have a name? 650 seems a bit steep, but who knows?  
A Question About Time Alignment
I generally find that speaker and sub coherence is best with the front-firing sub pushed a bit in front of the main speakers. Same thing, first with the big Velodyne DD18 and Dynaudio Consequence speakers, in my main system some years ago, and now... 
What is Your End Game System?
My endgame is a pure tube analog system. Much like the one I have, but maybe downscaled in some years time. I try to get everything right in terms of sound in the room without digital correction.  
Comparing systems through phone recordings
Hi Larryi I agree on your points but think you exaggerate - with a quite bleak view. It would be great if Audiogon members could exchange sound clips from their systems. Even if this is at first low level mobile phone recordings with all kinds o... 
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
I am fine, as long as we can keep this a forum with friendly echange of opinions. We are all a combi of subjective and objective experience. Subjective sometimes lies before objective - look folks, this is what my ears tell me. Endless and unsolva... 
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
I was asked about my music reference. I go for the best sound I hear, regardless of format. No prejudice. Sometimes the CD sounds great, better than the LP, or the streaming, or the sacd or dvd-audio - and so on. Probably mainly because it was mas... 
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
Hi rauoliregas I know - by your standards I am maybe a subjectivist eating bananas. And I have not heard a lot of top notch carts. Although we disagree on some points, I appreciate your comments, and your search for more objectivity. I agree that... 
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
+1 to atmasphere. The tonearm match is a key variable. Along with the cart output / phono stage match, which also includes a compromise between what you can accept of background noise for getting the best sound. Speaking as a tube enthusiast (conv...