

Responses from noromance

Tweaking my Cronus Magnum Tubes
Leave the 120s installed. If you use phono, try some Telefunken ECC83 etc. there. 
Tweak or Tin Foil Hat?
Yikes. I make sure my dehumidifier, all dimmers, the soldering iron, the projector and the treadmill are off before a session. I can't imagine a transmitter being that close to a tube phono preamp. Heck, even my CD/PC are in another rig. I can hea... 
The owner of Grant Fidelity is battling cancer
Sorry to hear the sad news. I will plant some flowers in his memory. 
effective mass of Jelco tonearms
Save for the 750... it is much better than the 250. 
London Decca
JaFox, are you using balanced inputs from phono to Aria? How about running phono ground to mains ground directly? 
London Decca
You could also try grounding the phono ground wire to the ground of the phono rca plug/recepticle. 
London Decca
Does the Jubilee have 4 wires? Try removing one of the grounds. 
Spin Clean seems to add noise to records?
I have a Spin Clean but never used it. Back in my LP12 (late '80s) days, the consensus was to let the stylus clean the record and to leave well alone. Has this thinking changed? 
Best 300B SET
Tube Audio Lab. 
Telefunken Black Diamond E88CC / 6922
Apologies Roxy. I have no idea why I read it that way. :-) 
The owner of Grant Fidelity is battling cancer
Saddened and angry about this. Glad I am an atheist as I could never reconcile this terror with most people's concept of God. 
Stand out phono stages
I have been using Croft phono amps for years and have never really felt the need to move. Stock it uses JJ tubes which are a little slow and colored for my taste. Switching them out for Telefunkens brings serious improvements in speed, clarity, tr... 
What was your first 'hi-end' system?
When I turned OFF Dolby C on my 3 head cassette deck. 
Thinking of putting to rest ESL63 for Harbeth M30.
I swapped a pair of 57s for Spendor SP2/2 years ago. The first thing I noticed was the veil that appeared. I love the Spendors and still run them on another rig. However, I never forgot how good the Quads were. I ended up buying another pair of 57... 
upgrading... which amp?
The caps in the Sony psu may be leaky.