

Responses from noromance

VAC amps and Focal Grand Utopias at $195k a pair
Me neither. Recessed midband, lack of air. Flabby bass. 
New Vandersteen oil cooled hybrid amplifiers
Oil doesn't cause oxidization. The point is to keep the transistors cooled. I heard them and they were very good. 
That "tube sound" and power ratings
Look, solid state uses electron junctions that are squished inside doped silicon. In tubes, electrons are free and happy. All Watts are the same ;-) 
What makes Telefunken tubes sound better?
Schubert means inclusive by income and trade rather than by immigrant status. He is right in that Americans are fearful for their futures, obsessed with pension funds and healthcare costs, crime and the IRS. The American social model is about indi... 
should I suspend a floor-standing turntable?
Put a few very heavy concrete paving slabs stacked on a sturdy table.Optionally a slab of maple. 
What makes Telefunken tubes sound better?
Dunno! I've a box of other brands and they are all shadows of the Teles. Just replaced a set of JJ ECC803S (yeah,right) with old Dynaco branded Teles that I've had running for years in another preamp. Bang, bye bye JJ. Don't cryo. Amprex Bugle Boy... 
High End Tube Gear Transition to High End SS
Your wife loves the sound? And you want to mess that up? (takes sip of single malt). 
Modified Lenco vs TW Raven
Nice post Dorkwad. Salvatore loves the TJN. 
Opinions on bang for the buck on TT & tonearm
Boston Mat sucked on my 401. 
Is there any 50W 300B SET monoblock out there?
deHavilland make a 40w GM-70 based SET. 
Excessive sibilance and edge....treat room?
We used to put tissue paper over the NS10 tweeters! Change speaker cable to ordinary 12 gauge mains. Have you window treatments? Move speakers out and away from the walls. 
Aural Thrills
Dunno... call Min at tube audio lab for bespoke 300b amps. 
What would you upgrade?
Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum? 
What would you upgrade?
Weak sources and now wants to add cheap turntable. Not how I'd do it. 
very close field speakers
A pair of Altec 604?