

Responses from noromance

Out of IT and into Audio business - Have you done it?
@czarivey Ha ha! So true! But I would sell my sister to get out of the pain of IT and into the joy of making a living in high-end audio.  
A passing of a valued Audiogon member ID "Ferrari"
Sorry for your loss, Bob. Lovely eulogy. #deathsucks 
AAA vs DDD...
Yup. I can hear if a recording is digital.  It has a dark blue-grey veil over the music.  
Random High pitch & Horn Sound took over my system! Classe CP800 & CA-D200
I have to say I avoid amps with electronic gimickry like microprocessor-based configuration controls. It can't help. 
A passing of a valued Audiogon member ID "Ferrari"
RIP. Very sad. This is all of our futures living in the US. All our savings gone to for-profit hospitals and Big Pharma in vain. We need universal healthcare.  
Paper Based Speaker Cone Question
Sounds like you have pre-buyers remorse. Audionote speakers have/had paper cones. Many prefer paper due to its vocal naturalness.    
How old are your speakers
Matched pair, consecutive #, Quad ESL from the late fifties. 
ST-200 Supertweeter placement with Tannoy Kensington
There is a Youtube video of a pair of Kensingtons with the STs on top... 
Manley snapper vs Atma-sphere M60
Coincident Frankenstein 300B monos unless you like it really loud. Manley if you do and M60 in between 
Random High pitch & Horn Sound took over my system! Classe CP800 & CA-D200
So it looks like it is something to do with the balanced connection between the Classe pre and power amps? Repeat the experiment to make sure.I'd post on their Facebook page if they don't get back to you. 
What position is your balance control set at and why?
So dig this: Quad ESL speakers, nearish field and a Croft preamp with separate volume pots. If ever there was a more sensitive rig to center image placement!  
First HiFi system - questions
BLE Design cables on eBay. Cheap and waaaay better than Pangea. #noaffiliation 
Jelco Easy VTA on the Fly
@raceone Any updates? 
Replace a 0.5 mV Grado Reference Sonata 1 for a Dynavector-DV20X2-H 2.8 mV ???
What yogiboy said. Looks like you are using a low output moving coil in an amp designed for high output moving magnet/iron. The idea of LOMC is that the few turns of wire that generates the signal are lighter and more sensitive. 
Power Cord for Pass Int 60-Under 1K used
BLE Design on eBay. 10 gauge OFC copper with good plugs for around $60 will work very well and save you $$ for more media. It sounds very good. https://m.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2332490.m4084.l1313.TR2.TRC0.A0.H0.X.TRS2&_...