

Responses from noromance

Channel frequency range not balanced
No disrespect but I think you should call your dealer over to have a look and make sure all is okay.  
Forever turntable under $2000
You could buy a refurbished Garrard 401 from AudioGrail for $2000. Add a $500 solid plinth and $1000 for a 12" Jelco 850 arm.  
Channel frequency range not balanced
So, you are saying that the fault is with the left speaker. As in the tweeter output? I thought you’d ascertained in the original post it was between the RCA and stylus. i.e. arm/cartridge. And if the cartridge is playing better now, what did you ... 
Elizabeth has a point. I was thinking of the lesser SP9. Tube rolling your SP11 and upgrading the caps would give a new lease of life to your ARC amp. 
What’s your budget? You need a phono preamp for MC. The general consensus is that the Herron VTPH-2A is top of the game at the lower end of the higher end pricing. Next down is the Manley Chinook.  
Update on Paul Laudati of Clear Day Cable
Heartbreaking. I heard he was unwell but never imagined it was this serious. We spoke on a number of occasions and I actually sent a pair of cables back which didn’t work out. I do run a pair of Clear Day singles with my Spendors which sound great... 
Old tubes vs New tubes
Millercarbon, you is new 'round here. Welcome to the real! 
Why not use a non-contact stylus on a turntable?
^ Could that be the vinyl solution? (sorry) 
Current amp setup for secondary listening room
Don't worry too much yet about not using the Fostex as a preamp. Hook it up and enjoy. Then come back with questions. 
Looking for phono preamp recommendations
^   *phonoIt looks like you won't pay for an ARC Ref3 phono and want balanced outputs. Not sure of any stand-alone phono only amps with balanced in and out. Which leaves you out of luck. I think you should very seriously consider @rodman99999 sugg... 
Why not use a non-contact stylus on a turntable?
The bummer about the "mediocrity" is that when it's good, it's better than "binary." 
Current amp setup for secondary listening room
You can use the combo you suggest so why not try it and see what YOU think of the sound? Apparently the Fostex doesn’t sound as good as a preamp (using it to control volume) as it does as a DAC. Give it a shot anyway. Yes, stands would be better.  
Channel frequency range not balanced
If you swap the channels at the cartridge, in the headshell, does the bright channel move to the other side? If so, it’s the cartridge. If not, it’s the cable or amps. Or your hearing. I assume it is not on other sources, so it would have to be th... 
Looking for phono preamp recommendations
Not sure what you are asking. It has RCA inputs for phone and RCA or XLR outputs. 
Looking for phono preamp recommendations