

Responses from noble100

Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Lipper, The Adcom 5300 has an input impedance of 49,900 ohms. So, you need to look for a tube preamp with an output impedance of 4,900 ohms or less. For the subwoofer connection, you'll need an rca y-adapter (2 female rca connectors feeding to one... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
News Alert: CNN just reported that Thomas Pettyofficer was arrested by a SWAT team after a rescue raid at his home Tuesday night. The video showed him being wheeled out of his house on a gurney in a straight jacket and strapped down with several v... 
Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Lipper, Connect the front left and right rca outputs of your processor to the 'surround' left and right rca inputs on your new tube preamp with ht pass thru. There will be a 'ht passthru' switch on the front of the preamp. When this switch is enga... 
Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Lipper,I'm in complete agreement with what Zed said (Zd542). I also 2nd what Vicdamone suggested: the new preamp with ht passthru should be a tube preamp. Since you use your system 75% for music, 2-channel should be your priority for an upgrade. ... 
Experiencing Rowland M925 4-chassis reference amps
Guido, Congratulations. I know you've been looking forward to their arrival for a while. I saw a photo of the 925 amps at the 2012 Hong Kong audio show that I think were prototypes, and they were gold colored. Are yours the same or are they housed... 
Is soundstage just a distortion?
Hi all. Just read this entire thread. I have to say that Mezmo's post had many good points and was well articulated - very good post Mezmo! Actually, I found many good posts in this thread. It's been a good read and very interesting. However, when... 
Hypex Ncore NC1200 Amps at NY Audio Show in April
Hifial, Thanks for clarifying. You are correct, Hypex currently offers only the 2 Ncore amp modules: The NC400 for the DiY community and the NC1200 OEM which is reserved for select class D amp building audio companies. Currently, there is no Ncore... 
Hypex Ncore NC1200 Amps at NY Audio Show in April
Here's a copied thread from www.psaudio.com's Community forum thread about the new class D stereo amp due out around mid-summer this year:"Hypex was supposed to apply some of the ncore tech to the UcD series. Will the UcD modules in the new PSA am... 
Hypex Ncore NC1200 Amps at NY Audio Show in April
Hifial and Kana813,You are both correct, the target price for this dual-mono stereo amp has been raised to $4,000 from $3,000. My mistake. I read the following quote from Paul M. in the comments section of Kana's link:"Yes, well over half the exp... 
Hypex Ncore NC1200 Amps at NY Audio Show in April
Hello Hifial, Yes, I do know that Bruno P., who created the UCD (Universal Class D)line while working for Phillips and who invented the later Hypex amp modules while working with Hypex, formed the Mola-Mola company (not sure if he's sole owner or ... 
Tubes/SS Power Amps?
Atmasphere, Ah, very good and funny, too.Thanks, Tim 
Hypex Ncore NC1200 Amps at NY Audio Show in April
"Is it because of divinde intervantion?... or we already finished development of power amp and anybody including Mr. McGowen can buy mass production module instert it into his own design chassis with his own colors and logo (with his or other inpu... 
Tubes/SS Power Amps?
"I've been looking at methods of incorporating more tubes into the process. There is even a method of using a power tube for output switching.... the problem with using them though is you can see through your hands when the amp is on."Atmasphere (... 
Hypex Ncore NC1200 Amps at NY Audio Show in April
Although my experience with class D amplifiers is with modules that some might consider inferior to the Hypex Ncore modules, Mr. McGowan's statements appear very accurate to me. According to most listening impressions, including my own, Class D te... 
Tubes/SS Power Amps?
Phaelon, You had the vision and concept. I just took your idea and ran with it, more of an embellisher.Thanks, Tim