

Responses from noble100

Is it just me?
I, having multiple personalities, would have to concur with Dr. Courant's diagnosis. I know my Billy Idol and Alice Cooper personalities never enjoy any of my clasical music as much as Johann, Ludwig and that goofy Tim do. Just my 10 cents wort... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Pettyofficer, No need for apologies as far as I'm concerned. You raised a valid point concerning the availability of all music genres and artists on high resolution downloads. I'm a new convert to computer audio and, after recently searching for m... 
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances?
Guido, I would just like to chime in, as several others already have, and congatulate and thank you for your series of well written and articulate posts that formed, when taken as a whole, an excellent review of your very nice amps. I found it ver... 
Found good & affordable amp for Magnepans
Timrhu. Sorry, just read this and saw I owed you a response. I was using the Aragon's one remaining good channel (200 watts@8 ohms) to drive my passive subwoofer. But I used the unused channel on my 100 watt center channel amp to drive the sub and... 
Has anyone tried an amp from Class D Audio?
Springbok10, I just left you a response on your other thread, asking about CDA amps from owners, and I was asking about your impressions on the CDA470. I didn't know you were going to set it up with the Bel Canto monos on the bottom and the 470 on... 
Found good & affordable amp for Magnepans
Springbok10, Did you get the CDA 470 yet? If so, how'd you set it up with the Bel Canto mono amps and what are your impressions thus far? If you need more listening time, just let us know. Hope you're pleased.Thanks,Tim 
Is it just me?
Mlman, The electricity going into your components from your home's outlets can vary from day to day in both quantity and quality. Tyypically, audio and video components will perform best during non-peak hours (usually later in the evening) when th... 
Is it just me?
Another overlooked factor is the quality of your system's electric supply. Generally speaking, a system will sound better during low grid demand hours (late evenings) and worse during high grid demand hours ( daytime weekdays). High temperatures ... 
Electric Bill
Tonywinsc, I'm sure, if they used some nice NOS tubes in those 2 long banks of vacuum tubes on that braking system computer, the sound of the railroad cars braking would sound warmer, more organic, more full bodied and with just a touch of bloom. ... 
Electric Bill
I can attest to Oldtex's statement about tube life being negatively affected by heating and cooling the tubes' elements every time you turn your unit on or off. I use a tubed preamp with fairly good NOS (new old stock) Mullard tubes. I have left m... 
When is it to hot to cut the grass?
Dreadhead, "When is it too hot to cut the grass?" When you see a dog chasing a cat...... and they're both walking.Quote from Uncle Briggs, Paducah, Ky.Heard this while attending college in 1976 and still enjoy it and mentioning it whenever I can.Tim 
Electric Bill
Ever since I invested in one of those electricity generating treadmills at BestBuy, my electricity bill is now $0. However, after reading the manual, it became clear that someone had to be continually walking on the treadmill for it to work proper... 
Has anyone tried an amp from Class D Audio?
Tonyangel, Excellent, from all you've said, I think a CDA amp is going to give you what you want. I definitely improved my system going class D instead of my old, but still quite good, Aragon amp. I think you'll also like the smaller size, weight ... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Mapman, Well said and ditto. I'm older,too, and I'll be using downloads and ripped cds until something better comes along. Another benefit of computer audio is the ability to record not only your own cds, but your friends' and acquantances' cds an... 
Found good & affordable amp for Magnepans
Springbok, Would've loved to. Thanks for the offer. I'll pm you if I'm going to be in your neighborhood and I'll keep a look out for your impressions.Thanks,Tim