

Responses from noble100

Hi Al, My router from AT&T is a Gateway 2Wire with "SSID" and "Wireless Network Key" numbers listed. On the back are also 4 Ethernet ports. Only 1 port is currently connected and runs to my Directv 'Genie' DVR 6ft away. An HDMI cable connects ... 
Hey guys, I've been researching setting up wireless systems on various internet sites in an attempt to wrap my head around how all this is configured and controlled. Something must have sunk in because I think I may have figured this out with your... 
Hi Al and Willie (or is that Mr. wonka to me?), I really appreciate your assistance. I've decided to up my budget a bit, to $1,600 or so, and buy the Oppo BDP-105 and NAS hopefully within a week. The Oppo is a definite buy after reading a lot of g... 
Hi Williewonka, Thanks for the info, I will definitely implement a Raid Mirror. Is this something you can implement on any NAS or is it only available on certain NAS units? Sorry, but I'm a rookie at this right now.Thanks, Tim 
Woops, just realized the Synology is $199 and without hard drives. 2 hard drives would cost another $200 plus. This would drive the total cost to about $1,600 which may be close enough. I don't want to skimp on quality since excellent sq is very i... 
Thank you all for your very helpful replies thus far. I'm getting a clearer picture of what to buy/use. Currently I'm thinking of buying the Oppo bdp-105 and the Synology DS213j NAS(thanks to Dz3827 for the heads up on Synology) to use wirelessly ... 
RIP Panny Plasmas
Milpai, The TC-P60VT60 is a great choice for your next tv. I've been enjoying a VT60 for about 6 weeks now and I think you're going to love it. I've owned some good tvs over the years, 3 top of line crt,rptv and lcd Sonys, and have never been more... 
RIP Panny Plasmas
Jafant"Does Fujitsu still produce plasma?" Fujitsu was one of the first companies to leave the plasma market, in 2005, years before Pioneer and then Panasonic decided to leave. They're currently producing products related to the computer market. A... 
RIP Panny Plasmas
Jafant"Which company will prevail as the new Plasma TV king?" It looks like Samsung will probably emerge as the plasma leader with LG still selling models, too. I may be forgetting a few others but I have a feeling OLED is going to surpass even th... 
RIP Panny Plasmas
Hi Swamp-pants, Trying to figure out why you'd have a need for a camo-print speedo. On second thought, knowing you, I'm afraid to ask. Later, Tim 
RIP Panny Plasmas
Nonoise is correct, Panasonic and Sony have decided to combine their efforts in developing OLED and ultra high definition technology via a joint effort. OLED's current issues are producing screens larger than 55 inches and the low (currently about... 
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances?
Guido, Yes, I meant your new Rowland 925 mono/4pc amps. My mistake.Thanks,Tim 
Found good & affordable amp for Magnepans
Schubert, I've never seen a tube unit burst into flames but my experience with tubes is limited to tubed preamps. I never had a tubed power amp but I would think they are more apt to do this but don't know for certain.Timrhu, Hi neighbor. Very nic... 
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances?
Guido, Just to be clear, I was mostly commenting on your review of your Rowland 825 monoblocks on a separate thread but your Veritas review was also very good.Thanks, Tim 
Found good & affordable amp for Magnepans
Ketchup, I stated on an earlier post on this thread that my tubes lasted 6 yrs being on 24/7. But your question made me rethink this. I bought my VTL 2.5 preamp in April of 2006 and replaced the 4 stock Soviet tubes right away with 4 NOS Mullards....