

Responses from noble100

Found good & affordable amp for Magnepans
Springbok, I'm located in Indiana, just north of Indy. How about you?Thanks,Tim 
Has anyone tried an amp from Class D Audio?
Tonyangel, I would advise you to get the more powerful SDS-440 or SDS-470 amp. The 440 ($630) is 220 watts @ 8 ohms, which is in the middle of your spkr's recommended power of 100-300 watts. The 470($695) is 300 watts @ 8 ohms, which is at the top... 
Found good & affordable amp for Magnepans
Springbok, Just curious if you were able to talk to Tom Ross at CDA before you decided to buy the SDS-470? Did you buy 1 or did you go for monoblocks? I don't think you'll be dissappointed with your choice either way and I'm looking forward to you... 
Has anyone tried an amp from Class D Audio?
Tonyangel, I'm using a ClassD Audio SDS440CS amp to drive a pair of Magnepan 2.7qr spkrs. I bought it to replace my older Aragon 4004 class A/B amp that is similar to your 2004. I could not be happier with this amp. It was only $630 and puts out a... 
Found good & affordable amp for Magnepans
Hi Springbok, I have a theory on why so many people enjoy running tube preamps with class D amps. In general, class D amps are very neutral and add nothing to the sound; like the ideal of a straight wire with gain. This allows the tube sound quali... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Pettyofficer, In my last post, I conceded that you have a point : the availability of quality downloads needs to increase dramatically, and quickly, for the future of computer audio to be successfull. Enough said? Now, can we all agree that we've ... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Nonoise, Having recntly retired myself, I like your idea of syndication and royalties. Unfortunately, I think we may need to be the ones paying readers to slog through this exceedingly long and redundant thread. I'm going to switch my efforts to h... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
06-28-13: Danoroo"@ Noble100....you mentioned in an earlier post that you were looking for a DAC. I recently bought a new Cambridge Audio DAC Magic 100 on ebay for $315. It has 3 different types of digital inputs and sounds pretty good. It's not t... 
Experiencing Rowland M925 4-chassis reference amps
Hi Guido, I've been following this thread and have been enjoying your good reports. I'm glad you're digging your impressive amps. The gold appearance of the 925's at the Hong Kong audio show may be as you say, a photographic artifact. It could be ... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Chadeffect, Great reference. I remember that Monty Python skit well and it's an apt analogy to this thread. I wish Pettyofficer well but I can't help thinking that something beyond computer downloading is upsetting him. Wife/girlfriend left him?..... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Pettyofficer, Just wanted to add on to what Mapman said and your concern over the 10,000 out of print cds. If downloads are the future, I would think the copy rights owners of those 10,000 cds would be very tempted to rerelease many of these as do... 
What should I upgrade
Tonyangel, I agree with the replies that upgrading your dac will not give you a significant improvement, or even much of a change, in sound quality. I think Elizabeth's and others' suggestion of a tube preamp is probably the alteration in your sys... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Pettyofficer, I understand, a bit more clearly now after your last post, that your main concern is the pace of music releases available as digital downloads being too slow. Your perception is that the transition from LP and CD to digital downloadi... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Pettyofficer, Relax. My report on your despicable behavior was just my lame attempt at infusing a little humor in this long and dour thread. I was just having a little fun and meant no offense. But I do think I may have some insight into why compu... 
Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Lipper, Just realized I listed your amp as an Adcom 5300 when it's actually a 5500. Sorry, but the good news is that both have the same input impedance: 49,900 ohms.Thanks,Tim