
Responses from no_money

What SS amp has the fastest warm-up time
I am as confused as Lakefront.This is like checking the gas mileage for a exotic sports car. If you don't care to spend 8 to 10 dollars a month for the electricity then you might want to think twice about dropping x to xx thousands of dollars on a... 
Martin Logan Don t Rock
C'Berry, What amp are you using? Even with my little o'l Aerius in a small room it took Proceed HPA2 ( 250 watt dual mono amp ) to make them rock. But in a room your size maybe the SL3 is just not big enough? You might want to audition the new Ode... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
702.... I must have missed the posts letting us know what cables you have tried with what equipment. If you could post that again, that would be great. I haven't been able to find that post. Thanks. 
CJ ART vs. ML Ref 32 vs. Boulder 1012
Ever heard the term " you can't loose " ? I have only heard the 32 in a demo so I can't really help. But I sure wish I had one of'em in my system so I could. At these price points I would take them home and decide for myself if possible. It's an a... 
Rotel conrad-johnson
I have used a CJPV10a with a Sonagraph ( Lower end CJ ) amp and a Proceed HPA2. It sounded great with both. I would recomend you give it a shot. I think you will happy with the results. 
Transparent Cable Questions
Timperry I am not that good with the audio lingo, but what I heard was just a more natural presentation over the entire range. Very much worth the upgrade from Super for me. You should be able to find a dealer even if it is not local that could se... 
intro to tubes
I don't know a lot of details on how they work, I just like how they sound. The easiest and cheapest way to get into or hear what tubes do is to try a tubed pre-amp. The tubes only need to be replaced once a year on pre-amps, the tubes are in gene... 
Are Audiophiles Obsessive Nuts?
I thought we agreed on honey roasted nuts? 
PS ultimate outlet
The 20a version is supposed to be less constrictive on larger amps. See PS audio site at AA site. I don't think it has been released yet, but should be soon. 
Room acoustics - yet again
Ikarus, Thanks. I am hoping that is how it turns out. I might go ahead and try to have some things on hand to try and tame it down if needed. You know you can not go to sleep after moving into another house without the the stereo at least starting... 
I opened both MIT and Transparent netwks
Troy, you cut into 1k interconnects?? ( Transparent ultra )Super= 400 or so. You must be insane!! 
Room acoustics - yet again
O.K. I have an emergency here..... I just went by the new house I am having built. The room is 17'wide x 15' deep with cathedral ceilings. The carpet was laid yesterday and I thought that would tame things down a bit. BUT it got WORSE. Now if I st... 
Any DIYer s out there ?
Sean, where is John Risches site? I am getting ready to move and want to get some ideas for sound absorption to tweak the new room. 
Separate Components
I am fortunate enough to have a dealer that has a small room filled with used equipment. Some of it is crap, some of it is actually nice stuff. I picked up my ARC LS-15 out of that room, I could not have afforded it new. I still think it is wrong ... 
Logans and Heavy Metal?
Actually not with them, but on the same bus playing with another band.