
Responses from no_money

Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Why would cable companies insist that their cable needs to be burned in if it doesn't change the sound? They aren't making money by the # of hours you play the cable. Seems like it would be easy enough for a company to say "our cable is good from ... 
Pink noise and pop from Levinson 333 amp
If the tweeters aren't blown now then you should be o.k. but I don't know if I would press my luck for too long. As far as the pink noise goes, if you hear it with no inputs to the amp then there is definately something wrong and would look into i... 
Replacing Jumpers = Bi-wiring??
Leafs, thats kind of a blanket statement don't you think? There are plenty of great sounding bi-wired designs out there also. It just depends on the design 
Liguy is right, it makes a big difference with Martin Logan speakers. The first set of Aerius i I tried out where set up for single wire only, I ordered Bi-wire option just in case it would benefit ( only 100.00 or so ) The new set came, I broke t... 
Audio s impact on enviroment
I don't think the install base of amps that draw that much current is large enough to really make that much of an impact. We just need to make more power plants and keep those tree hugin hippies out of my audio. 
xlr question
Streetdaddy, I am not sure I follow what you are saying. Most balanced components of recent years ( to my knowledge ) have the same pin-out. IE. 1=ground 2= non-inverted 3= inverted. It should be shown in the manuals for each component how they ar... 
Electrostatic or Dynamic
Wished I had known Albert, I was just there in January. That airport was just about confusing just to get out of, or at least exit on the correct side of. I was lost for 20 minutes trying to find the right highway! Have you heard the Dynastats? 
How much does your system retail for?
$14,000.00 You know this could be the equivalent of a "scared straight" program for a newbie. 
Electrostatic or Dynamic
I don't know Djjd, Albert finally got my interest peaked on the Soundlab stuff ( I am using ML ) so I whent to their site. At 210 lbs a piece and looking at the size of those things he shouldn't be missing enough to really care about. Too bad ther... 
Psychological audio, proceed slowly
Geez, how many folks can find that one offensive? Still shows -2,-2... Somebody must be having a bad day. 
Psychological audio, proceed slowly
I think once you have components that will show the difference then go ahead and spend all you want on cable. The better cable will all ready be in place down the road when you want to upgrade the other stuff but you might as well get all you can ... 
Classe vs Levinson
I have only heard the Levinson, which I liked a lot. But I can even out the vote. Hopefully I won't get a -2 for doing it ! 
What causes listener fatique? cure?
What is your current set-up? 
Sour DOW/NASDAQ to kill digital future?
I may have mis-understood this but I was told that the patent that Sony/Phillips have on Cd's is up in 2002. For that reason they will be pushing this hot and heavy so they can reap the money for another 20 years? Hope it works. 
what are the best 4 ohms speakers out??
I am with Ohlala on that one, if you like your current speaker go for a bigger amp. If you do not like your speakers then look for some that are more efficient. A couple of db more efficient will make loads of difference, and won't "piss off your ...