
Responses from no_money

Need help - system performance
Sfrounds, According to recent Stereophile article they use MIT and Transparent for the reference system at the ML plant. I use all Transparent cables in my sytem that includes ML Aerius i. While searching for a dvd player that would also double as... 
Break in period for power conditioners ?
Try plugging the amp directly into the wall and see what you get. 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Of course they will come back to give me another -2,-2... Thanks guy. 
Proceed HPA-2 w/Electrostatic speakers?
I use it, but just on some Aerius. I haven't heard the Pass myself but hear from others that they are great. At this price point though you are in another league all together from the Proceed and would have to compare something like the Levinson 3... 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Oh yea, they do the disappering thing when ever you ask for a list of the equipment they use, or have heard. It's a pretty easy qestion. 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Sorry JT, I was tired and did not catch that one in time.... Good one though. 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
JT, thanks for the vote. Sorry if you thought it was foul, I am not sure I follow you on that one. Sarcastic...yes. Foul... I just don't see it. 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
J_thunder, the systems they use are hush, hush. VERY top secret stuff. They have to keep it that way due to the confidentiality clause in the contract with Bose and Sears. 
Stereophile's refusal to review more low
Just a thought but.... What if they only review products from mfgrs. that have the bucks to advertise with them. So what? Are you sure you want to buy from a company who does not have enough cash to afford this. How will this company survive a dow... 
Which IC is more important?
I normally posts pretty short, but I will stretch this one out for you. Try both and see what you like. Try both and see what you like. Try both and see what you like. Try both and see what you like. Try both and see what you like. Try both and se... 
Good SS match for C-J PV10 preamp
I have used the PV10 first in my main system, then retired to the bedroom system. In the main rig it was to a Proceed HPA2 and now in the bedroom to a Sonagraph ( Entry CJ gear ) amp. Interconnects where Transparent "super" for both systems. This ... 
Are you manufacturer's paying attention?
-2,-2 for telling the truth? Give me a break. I suppose it is too much to ask for an actual reply or something else of intelligence. 
Are you manufacturer's paying attention?
The high end companies will not put out lower priced components because that will lower the " Value " of their name, or they just find they can't produce what they feel the name deserves under the restrictions of that budget. They can't deflate th... 
How can you tell when tubes are shot?
Let us know how it sounds. 
How can you tell when tubes are shot?
It is a gradual decline. If you have run them 18 months 24x7 I would definately replace them. If anything you do not want to risk an all out tube failure in the preamp that could damage something. I will replace the ones in my LS-15 at least once ...