
Responses from no_money

Confused By A Transport Upgrade
Whatjd, Interesting comment. I just moved and after the satelite was installed I noticed the system didn't sound quite as good. I kind of chalked it up to " it's a new room, just getting used to it" I also noticed the other day while mowing the la... 
B W 601 S2
I have a pair in my bedroom system that sounds great. They are a good speaker for the money. 
Sony DVP-S9000ES as transport for DAC??
I just picked up a Proceed DAP to use. Hard to explain other than I can't stop listening to cd's now. Right and left of soundstage is more solid while center has a better 3d image. The Sony wasn't a slouch, but I prefered the sound with the Procee... 
Stupid DAC question
Did your psychic give you that information Roen? Maybe you could provide us with the winning lottery numbers and some good stocks to buy. 
Bow ZZ-8/Theta Gen V(a) and Sony SCD-777
I recentley paired a Proceed DAP with a 9000es and have been happy. Does anyone know how the 9000 compares to other transports? 
Sony 777es ok to leave on?
Bmpnyc, glad to hear you like the player. What did you think of it compared to the Pioneer player? The Sony offers a lot of bang for the buck and if I had it to do over again I would not think twice. The DAC was used, so you know how quick those p... 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Abe, The stock cord could not handle the current draw? Was this component U.L. approved? If it was you may want to report this back to U.L. 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
If it changes the tone then you admit they affect the sound right? So, if it changes the system to a point that it is more pleasent to listen too then why not? 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
How can you say it does not make a difference if you have not tried it? You should have a local shop that would be willing to let you try one out for free. You have nothing to loose. Depending of your system it might not matter at all. 
Sony 777es ok to leave on?
Bmpnyc, How do you like the player? I am not sure what you consider warm, but mine stays warm also. Must be normal for the player. I picked up a used Proceed DAP for cd playback....sounds pretty cool. 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Abe, how many mega-buck power cables have you tried? 
balanced are they worth it?
I switched from Super balanced to Ultra and I have been very happy with the results. From what I have read on posts here though it can be very system dependent. So I would make sure the dealer is willing to swap them back if you do not feel it is ... 
Musical: Ikemi, Wadia831, or Naim CDX
Llolyd, you might want to try the HPA2 first. The N802's will thank you so much for it and you can pick up some Balanced Transparent to link up to the pre. I haven't compared any of the listed players so I can't comment there. Good luck. 
A little bit of Truth
Whew....what a relief to finally know the truth. Well.... I am off to Best Buy to pick up my new reference system, see you soon. 
350 SACDs and Counting
I am hoping they get the Barney sings along with the Tele-tubbies out by the end of summer. Should really show off the format.