
Responses from nitrobob

Products you added to your system in 2021 that made most impact to your music enjoyment
Swapped out a Marantz 8805 for a Lyngdorf MP-40 Processor. My goodness, what a difference. Room Perfect to the rescue. Best money I have spent for years.   
What are you using as a streamer? Constructive feedback please.
Our Lyngdorf already has a Roon implemented so I went with a  Roon Plus a Nucleus with Qbuz. Really clean. No complaints, but I don't have anything to compare it to...  
Finally Learned: Subs serve much larger role than adding more low bass
I might be on here asking for some help shortly. I currently have one sub, A Foundation from Legacy as I have an entire Legacy system. Speakers, Surrounds, Backs, Sub, and Amps ..I am about to take delivery of 3 more, and setting up a 4 sub system... 
If a " system " cannot do this, I move on........
I wish someone would "auto tune" the live DVD's recordings like Eagles @ Melhorne's Farewell Tour. Why that disc is used as everybodys demo I cant figure out... If that damn thing sounds so good WHY cant all the other later bands/studios come up o... 
What were the radio stations of your youth that helped you on your music/audio journey?
Back in the mid to late 70's there was a radio station in Columbus Ohio called Stereo Rock 92. Their competitor was QFM 96 that still thrives today. Rock 92 had something called "Midnight And Other Beast". Every Friday night at midnight they would... 
Top 3 songs to evaluate a system
I do the 7.4 version. You are surrounded. This disc is about as good as it gets. Its recorded in Dolby DTS and its recorded excellent. Five thousand watts , Four killer subs, and a complete Legacy system. Chest thump is better than being there. I ... 
Top 3 songs to evaluate a system
Supertramps Hide in your shell. Love how it "builds" 
What do audiophiles do in their cars?
XM Radio with whatever the best "optional radio with *** speakers is available. I think the Pacifica has Harmon Kardon 20 speakers and a sub, and my Corvettes always had a Bose system. And I must have the "optional biggest wheels and tires on what... 
How long is it taking to receive a preamp?
My new Lyndorf MP-40 took about 3 months from Denmark. Man was it worth that wait. Room Perfect is .... PERFECT 
More Roon Questions
Thanks for the enlightenment . You sold me as soon as a couple of you said most music sounds better after copied and replayed. Coming from CD’s and DVD’s I’m wanting to not take steps back in Sound Quality. Being penny wise and dollar foolish is n... 
vinylvaletYes, I have the V5 powering my center and surrounds and the V-2 powering my mains. I can't believe how much punchier and quieter is is than my ATI Signature Series 6007...And even after hours of spirited volumes, over 100db, that they ru... 
surround processor?
For your information. I currently have a Lyngdorf headed my way. The 8805 Marantz I’m using is headed to my Sons, but I have a new, sealed, in the box Lexicon MC-10 that I purchased and before taking out of the box moved on to this Lyngdorf. I wan... 
What are your top 5 Billboard top 10 songs of the 1970"s?
You might want to have look at this .. the racing site that is "the go too" for us NHRA class Racers has a little thread "Musical Taste". A buddy and me started it a year ago, and so far it has 84 thousand views (from racers). Its a thread similar... 
Roon for high end audio?
Ok, so... to get this Roon running on the new Lyngdorf (which I am told ships this week) I need this Sonic Orbiter i5. Or something similar. It will take up one of my 3 inputs on the MP-40 as it only has 3 HDMI inputs. That leaves me one for my Bl... 
Roon for high end audio?
kingbarbudaExactly what I needed to know. Thanks. Not real sure what you mean by selecting  Roon Core, but I'll figure it out...