
Responses from nitrobob

Tekton Double Impacts
I just talked to Eric this morning and ordered a set of Double Impacts/w upgrades. I currently have  Ascend Raal Towers ...I really like the Ascends, just thought I would buy myself a Christmas present ... 
Tekton DIs or Legacy Focus SEs?
VitopI’ll call them Monday ( tomorrow ) . I expect to be ordering the DI with upgradesThanks  
Tekton DIs or Legacy Focus SEs?
Hi guysI’m a newbie here, 1st post. I’m from Ohio. Very interesting site you have here. Currently own a complete Ascend System...All Raal,... Towers, Horizon Center, Sierra 2’s. Also have (2) PSA 1801 18 inch Subs.. Power is a ATI 6005 Signature S...