
Responses from ngjockey

Passive Pre - No Regrets?
No regrets here. Went from a SFL2 to a DIY TVC. I bought the parts from John Chapman at Bent Audio, great guy. To be honest, I didn't think it could work. Seriously, transformers?! I just had to hear what so many were raving about.The SFL did have... 
whats the difference between high capacitance...
I've found that low capacitance cables generally sound cleaner and more extended, although they may lack smoothness. Digital cables are completely different than IC's though and "low capacitance" is a relative term. Often, low capacitance also mea... 
Need help with room
Forget that the electronics could be causing such big, actually huge, swings. It's either the speakers or the room. According to the numbers you came up with, the best solution might be the DEQX. Google it. 
Ribbons. Electrostatics. Planar speakers. Confusio
Resistor based passives present a high impedance to the source at lower volumes. TVC based passives work differently (better, IMO) but are still not ideal loads and require sources of low output impedance (less than 500 ohms). A mismatch in impeda... 
What is a 20 Amp circuit ?
The wires have to be rated for 20A which means they would be 12 guage (bigger for long runs) instead of the usual 14, all the way back to the panel. You shouldn't just replace a 15A breaker with a 20A breaker. 
Adding tube buffer to Rotel instead of............
I think you're misunderstanding the purpose of a buffer. To just add another link in the chain can only detract from the sound, tubes or not, when not required. An external buffer is used to replace, not augment, the ouput stage of a DAC or other ... 
Small Floor Standers
Often read where someone wants to acommodate a "bright" piece of gear with "gentle" ICs or other equipment somewhere in the chain. That can be a mistake because that piece is more likely exposing a weakness than being the fault. The same goes for ... 
mission 775s w/774 arm...a forgotten jewel?
Too bad I recently sold my 776 pre and 777 amp. Beautiful design and way ahead of their time. 
Tubes and Rock and Roll, Can they go together?
Since you listened on different speakers, all other comparisons are out the window. Unfortunately, there's probably a good reason why they set up those speakers with those amps. It's been a while since I listened to Macs but I remember a multiple ... 
Is Bi - amping worth the trouble?
Now, you're beginning to get it.So back to your origional question: Is it worth it?I had a pair of power pigs and an old 100 wpc amp. It was a very strong 100 watts though but I auditioned another pair of monoblocks that were much more refined and... 
Is Bi - amping worth the trouble?
Electronics isn't magic and fairy dust. It's learning and experience. If something is made for a dollar, it can be made better for two dollars. Either that, or you can completely screw it up and call it a learning experience. 
Is Bi - amping worth the trouble? 
Is Bi - amping worth the trouble?
Okay. Your amp is fine.Doctor Mark's reply, though considerate and correct, is just the tip of the iceberg. Feel free to experiment, learn and have fun. 
110 volt to 220 volt - can i use my 15 amp power c
Sorry, 220V in US/Canada has two hots, one neutral and one ground and requires special outlet/plug. There is a way to do it by abandonning the neutral, but that is not code and not advisable to someone without electrical knowledge. Electricians mi... 
Is Bi - amping worth the trouble?
Not with your system.If you had an amp that wasn't up to the speakers, that would be a different story. Biamping is rarely as easy as plugging in another amp and wires. Unless you have another amp hidden in the closet or a friend willing to loan f...