
Responses from ngjockey

Dealing with a large TV between speakers
Less toe-in. Maybe a bit closer together. Try swapping diffusion panels position with absorption panels. Maybe some corner foam or soffit traps at ceiling/wall on front and back walls. 
Bi amping using ss amp and tube amp..
Rowland: 36K Zin, 26dB (1.41V) or 32dB (0.71V); selectable.ARC D76 (didn't find specs for D70) : 80k Zin, 1.5V sensitivityNot an even match. Would require attenuation.Personally wouldn't passive biamp above 150Hz, although I've heard it done up to... 
GIK vs. Real Traps?
Realtraps specializes in flexible membrane traps, which are not as broadband as "soft" traps but not as narrow band as rigid membranes (ie. 1/8" hardboard). Meaning, you can target upper bass/lower midrange with less effect on high frequencies.Rig... 
Cost to treat a room?$815.95 maybe? 
Differences in sound as related to watts?
Generally, very generally, more watts means means tighter, not bigger. 
Plinius SA100 or Odyssey Stratos Mono for Dyn 3.4?
Not familiar with the Odyssey so can't compare sound but by specs and weight, Plinius SA100 would be closer to the Extremes. SA100's can be bridged for balanced mono for 360W@8 ohms but with caution on "severe" loads this way.Just wanted to say th... 
Excellent affordable cables and interconnects.
Ultimate Cables from Montreal are an excellent value, even at $ parity. Teflon insulated copper/silver mix. Mogami finally makes terminated IC's. A 'pro' favorite. 
Where does your user name come from?
Natural Gas Jockey 
Step up transformer
There's a 28 amp Getra step up on Ebay for $27 but I'll bet shipping will be quite a bit. No relation.Properly (or overly) sized, should be no detriment although some can have mechanical hum... no guarantee. Some benefit through filtering and DC b... 
Who is using passive preamps and why?
For comparison, the S&B 102 has a Zin 0f 10.4k and Zout of 1.4k @ 1kHz at it's worst case of zero attenuation. Zin halves for within each of the next few -3dB steps and Zout doubles. My setup never approaches the end of the dial.http://www.ste... 
Who is using passive preamps and why?
Just to confuse things... it safe to assume that the Goldpoint is shunt-type? 
Who is using passive preamps and why?
Oh, kumbaya.C'mon... Actives are better than passives. Tubes rule, transistors drool...This passive argument has become far too passive. Where's the entertainment? 
Amp for Genesis 500's?
Shhh... Some privileges should be earned, not just bought. 
Amp for Genesis 500's?
When I first got G350's, had Monarchy SE100's that I had biamped with the previous speakers. There was a hole in the crossover area. Tried Manley Snappers but ended up with Plinius SA100, which blended seamlessly. So seamlessly that trying to opti... 
Who is using passive preamps and why?
You all are making this appear much too complicated. I've plugged my TVC into a few friends systems and always had impressive and consistent results. I've changed amps and sources. I currently have a far from ideal load with long IC's, a 10K Zin h...