
Responses from newbee

Most underrated composer of 20th Century?
Bifwynne, Mahler as background music! Shame on you!!!! You're going to get drummed out of the club. But so far as Mahler goes you've probably picked the best one. :-) FWIW, in order to conserve time, I usually set aside listening to classical musi... 
triode versus pentode
I think the most pronounced differences you will hear will be in midrange/upper-midrange tonality and, if you have a well set up system, the imaging, which in pentode should be more forward and pronounced in the mid-range. Triode (in those amps I ... 
Most underrated composer of 20th Century?
Schubert, out of curiosity, if time spent on listening to music is so precious why waste any of it posting opinions on the internet? I'm thankful that I have no such constraints and can listen to most anything that interests me including stuff by ... 
Ever downgrade and have better sound?
Substitute 'simplify' for 'downgrade' and I'm in hog heaven. If anything my end result today is far better than in the days when I had a bunch of 'near-SOTA' stuff. I attribute this to a better understanding of the speaker/room interface and elect... 
Primaluna ProLogue Five VS. Classe CA-150
Consider before you buy a tubed amp is how well it matches the needs of your speakers AND how well it interfaces with your pre-amp. Two items that are missing from your post and are rather essential bits of information if you expect any meaningful... 
Upgradying Tube Preamp
Jmcgrogan2's comments make a lot of sense, to me at least, assuming that one already has an established system that they are trying to improve by altering the input signal or modifying the amp/speakers tone. I would take a different view though if... 
Integrateds: $3K, $4.5K or $5K
Re Cayin integreteds , FWIW, I have a couple of Cayin 'boat anchors' for which I have been unable to get service or parts from the distributor despite telephone calls, etc. Lots of promises, no follow through. One would think he was going out of b... 
When to power off a tube amp?
FWIW for those unaware, the Lyr is a dedicated hybrid headphone amp, the tubes in it do not provide power per se. Most all of the 'dire' consequences of leaving tube power units on unattended just don't exist for this kind of unit, any more than t... 
When to power off a tube amp?
I think you should have told the folks that your Lyr amp is a headphone amp. Knowing this I think that you might have gotten different responses from folks had they known.FWIW I see no fire hazard. None. The unit supposedly runs 'hot' but that is ... 
Lets talk tubes in Pharaoh Integrated
There are a lot of new production tubes (cheaper way to experiment than NOS) which will impart a different tone than the JJ802's, which BTW I suspect could be the cause of your impression of a mid range bloat. I used them in a couple of different ... 
Intractable Problem
You can to clear up a bit of confusion. When you put in a new amp your dealer furnished for you blew 2 fuses. You discovered that you had allowed speaker cables wires on one channel to touch shorting out the amp (I assume). You replaced the fuses ... 
Most achingly-beautiful music
Chopin Nocturnes & Moravec for sure, but equally engaging for me are some of Brahms Op 116, 117. and 118 pieces, especially his Op 117 Intermezzi. I like Kubalek's performances on Dorian, but there are many others. 
Which component is most responsible?
Following up on Brownsfan's suggestion I've picked out a couple of acapella choral recordings you might like (I do anyway) which are probably still in print and might serve your purposes, although I must admit, as I suggested in my first post, tha... 
Which component is most responsible?
FWIW, separation of voices in a chorus is very difficult to achieve UNLESS it is in the recording in the first place! And it usually isn't, at least in my experience. Be sure you have a recording that really has the distinct separation of voices y... 
Which component is most responsible?
Nothing is possible unless your speakers can accurately reproduce the signal it is fed. If they can do that then the rest is found in set up and electronics. Not necessarily easy, but possible. Order of priority of electronics Amp to match speaker...