
Responses from newbee

Does anyone use the Silverline Audio SR 17 speakers? If so, how do you like them?
The 17's are an excellent speaker and, as you have observed, they rarely come up for sale. I'm still waiting for a pair with the ESOTAR tweeter to appear. (I already have the Bolero's but am looking for a different tonal balance in a second room).... 
Jazz for aficionados
Thanks for the post. I will order this record immediately. FWIW she has been my favorite jazz singer for over 10 years now - I don’t know how I missed this CD. 
Jazz for aficionados
For anyone who enjoys music from the swing era, but is no all that engaged by the sound of big bands prevalent in the 30's and 40's, you might enjoy music by Scott Hamilton and his Quartet (or Quintet). A few of the CD's that I enjoy are 'Race Poi... 
BSG - QOL Anyone still using theirs?
justubes2, Did you have to adjust speaker placement, i.e. moving them closer together and/or altering their toe in to compensate for loss in any center stage definition or frequency peak? 
BSG - QOL Anyone still using theirs?
Nice to know you guys are enjoying your units. I'm curious about what, if anything, you had to do to set up your room/speakers to accommodate  the differences in soundstaging this unit produces. Or where you able to just plug and play? Any downsid... 
Jazz for aficionados
Alex, this post is really all about orpheus 10, disguised as a thread about jazz. However, I think some of us follow this thread for the occasional discussion of jazz which involves music we have or would like or explore. It is fairly easy to over... 
Why do you give bad advice?
Assume a poster asks a good question. He gets 10 answers of which only one is correct. How will he ever know which answer is right. So much for the value of anonymous advise. :-) 
Please comment on your experience with Plantation shutters. Yes they look great,
Well the only practice difference between shutters and glass, or any flat surfaced wall, is the slight curved nature of the blades will give a small but uniform  bit of diffusion. It won't diminish it - how that might sound I don't know. You are r... 
Please comment on your experience with Plantation shutters. Yes they look great,
You are dealing with two issues with plantation shutters, 1) Diffusion off the blades which will be infinitely variable over 180 degrees (you could spend a lot of time trying to dial that in alone) and 2) First reflections off of the vertical glas... 
Tube rolling experts!!!
The tubes in your Raysonic will last many more hours before they require replacement. At the rate you use this unit you may never have to replace them. However if you want a different tone than afforded by the EH’s it is easy to change by using di... 
The illusion of soundstage.
Out of phase information on the record/cd will appear to come from beyond the boundaries of the speakers. In phase information will appear only between the speakers - unless you are getting a lot of side wall reflections which can give the illusio... 
what is the problem with too much tracking force?
FWIW, I don't get too caught up in getting an exact VTF setting.  IMHO, it is more about getting the correct combined setting of VTA and VTF taking into consideration the thickness of the record. I've always considered VTA to be the most important... 
Marantz SA-11S3 vs Sony XA9000ES
FWIW, try to articulate exactly what you are trying to change or improve. It may well be your CDP, or not. There is probably no CDP, redbook or SACD, that matches well with all systems playing all tytpes of music. I have multiple CDP's - they each... 
Yet another hum question (yes, I know - and I DID search the forums first)
I'm not surprised that that worked for you, however the actual source of the grounding problem might still be in a source  ahead of the Yaqin. I'm not against the idea of lopping off the ground on the Yaqin's PC to solve the problem like a lot of ... 
Yet another hum question (yes, I know - and I DID search the forums first)
Disconnect and unplug everything. Now working backward from your amp, one component at a time, connect RCA from pre-amp to amp, turn it on - any hum? If yes, try a cheater plug on the pre-amp to see if the hum goes away.Assuming not, now connect a...