
Responses from newbee

Does a good monitor produce a compressed sound?
Try moving your speakers a bit closer together so that the distance to the listening position is further than the speakers are apart (or move your listening position back or a combo of both) until you have about 10 to 11 ratio and see what happens... 
Dynaudio and Nikko, a good match?
Don't know if i can really answer your question, but FWIW the Dynaudio speakers are very unforgiving of the electronics involved. I feel that Dyna's are amoung the best speakers available but must be driven by high quality electronics to sound goo... 
Does a good monitor produce a compressed sound?
You should get a very defined center image from any quality dynamic speaker system, monitor or full range floor stander. With the human voice you should not be hearing a sound that causes you the feel the singers mouth is as big as the distance be... 
Passive preamps and poweramp's input impeadance
Is my face red!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had my head where there is no sun when i breezed thru the initial post and for some reason thought we were considering the OBH 12 passive preamp (my excuse is the several recent posts on this unit). The manufactu... 
Definitive Beethoven's 9th recording
Listened to it on LP years ago - i liked his 6th much more. Kept the 6th. I haven't compared his 9th to my current favorites - knowing what i do about Walters during those columbia years i can't imagine they would sound much like Harnoncourt's. I ... 
Passive preamps and poweramp's input impeadance
Another thing to calculate, that no one seems to be considering, is the actual output impedence of the passive which changes with the setting of the volume control (which will vary depending of the output of the source). The output impedence of th... 
Definitive Beethoven's 9th recording
Not to disappoint you but there is no universally acclaimed definitive performance, or recording for that matter, of this symphony. Everyone has their own favorite. For what its worth, i prefer Harnoncourts HIP on Teldec. As an alternative I enjoy... 
Integrated: SS or Tube?
John, With all due respect this is the same old, and somewhat tired, issue. What it all boils down to is what YOU want to hear when you turn on your stereo. YOU must LISTEN to tubes yourself to see if you even interested in the difference. If you ... 
Cheap Bryston active or Creek OBH12 passive?
matt, you're in great shape on your amp sensitivity and pre to amp cables. I don't think the length of the cable between the CDP and the preamp will be a problem. The only question is whether or not your CDP can drive the Mac. With the Mac's gain ... 
Cheap Bryston active or Creek OBH12 passive?
I agree w/ Marakanetz in principle, but you must be sure that your source has high enuf output and your amp has high gain. If your source output is over 2v and your amps sensitivity is less than 1v, and you use short cables, you should have no pro... 
What is/are your the most favourite composer s ?
Sibelius tops my list for regular repeat listening, then Mahler, Chopin, Liszt, Debussy, Brahms, Dvorak and Beethoven. 
Bohuslav Martinu
You might enjoy his 6th symphony by Belohlavek and the Czech Phil. on Chandos 8897. The disc includes Janacek Sinfonietta and Suk's Fantasticke Scherzo. This is an outstanding recording of the 5th - the companion pieces are done well also and make... 
MCs: to load or not to load, that is the question?
Having a preamp that allows you to change values is, for me, indispensible. This allows me to tailor the sound of a cartridge to my system and allow me to use different cartridges with out being limited by the pre amp. My experience running an MC ... 
Amplifier "gain" question
if by "gain" you are referring to the "input sensitivity" of the amp to reach it's rated level (i.e. somthing like 1.5 volts, more or less) then the answer to your question is yes, except that the less powerful amp would clip earlier. Your latter ... 
Short notes on Sibelius Seven Symphonies
Tweekerman hit the nail on the head with his $15 budget recommendation of the 7 symphonies. Sanderling's set has been around for a long time for a good reason. It's a great place for someone just coming to Sibelius to start out.