
Responses from newbee

Holographic imaging
In a nut shell, point source speakers are replicating what is on the recording, including, if the resolution of your speakers and electronics are up to it, all of the spatial information created by the environment in which the recording was made. ... 
Please Help How to load my Grado?I am lost.
There are 2 issues involved in your decision: 1)Input load - set it at 47k. Tt doesn't make a difference if it is MM or MC, that is just loading not gain. 2)Phono stage gain - set it on the low setting. MM cartridges are (at least so far as I know... 
do some cartridges have lower noise floor?
Everything has a noise floor, but for the most part, it should not be relevant when you are listening from a normal distance from your speakers, unless your phono pre-amp doesn't have enuf gain, or it also has a highish noise floor. My medium outp... 
Which Classical Recording is Best?
I didn't know that any Symphony Orchestra, anywhere, let alone London, was recording anything on vinyl. Am I missing something I should be paying attention to? 
Holographic imaging
Mapman, The pure Omni's are designed to propagate a signal in a 360 degree circle so when you are listening to them you are hearing a small direct signal (think of a 'point source type speaker' listened to in the near field which excludes most of ... 
Holographic imaging
Well, I've got a different take on what 'holographic' imaging is, as opposed to 'soundstage'. Soundstage, for me anyway, is represented by highth, width, plane of front of the image, and a feeling of some depth behind the plane of the speakers. Th... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Mapman, Good observations about fine tuning your system to two different formats. Very difficult. Hell, I've had a hard time just trying to tune one system to accomodate two different digital systems, let alone vinyl. Everything compromises someth... 
How much power is to much power?
Vett93, You have learned something of great value, I think. Now to have an even more complete understanding of amp/speaker matching, consider that not only do speakers have an irregular impedence so do amplifiers have an output impedence that is i... 
Dynaudio Cont.S5.4, Vienna A.Strauss or La Folia
"The sound was kinda cold but very resolving".Were you hearing the electronics? "Very resolving" is, or at least can be, one of the most rewarding aspects of a speaker, so long as it is not just an 'apparent' resolution created by an up-tilted upp... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Mapman, Out of curiosity, this 'pitch warble' you are hearing, is this from an analog source remastered to digital or was it a digital recording in the first place? One of my few dis-satisfactions with vinyl was related to constant pitch, even wit... 
How much power is to much power?
FWIW the difference in power, translated into db's from your speakers is about 1 1/2 dbs. hardly audible to many people even when they are listening well within the power range. For example if you clipped at aprox 140 wts you'd be producing peaks ... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Kijanki "I remember seeing similar threads on SS amps lacking the soul compare to tube gear"........And I could imagine that I wrote them long ago after getting my SP10! Only I would have just said 'music'. :-) 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Shadrone, Love your summary. It's been said before though. To no avial, unfortunately. IMHO, the reality is that a lot of folks need to reinforce their personal observations/beliefs so they make a polorizing statement to find support from like bel... 
CD player NOT made in China under $1,000?
I don't think Trelja is making it a secret. He is a distributor for Consonance. I applaude his candor. 
Tubes for Cal Audio Labs Alpha Processor
I've had an Alpha for about 15 years - tube longevity has never been a problem for me. Tube selection has always been made based on ancillary equipment and speakers. I like a clear neutral tone, one that if it errs at all errs on the warm side. I'...