
Responses from newbee

Chopin Fantasie Impromptu, Opus 66
Oh, jez, I try to be nice to the guy and he turns out to be a pedantic. Go figure! :-) 
Power cords and soundstage
Douglas, Perhaps the roots of this correcpondence goes to our differing perception of the description of what I considered a dramatic difference between the sound of his system before he put in the new PC.His description, to me, suggested that he ... 
Chopin Fantasie Impromptu, Opus 66
Jax2, You've got me - I don't have Pletnevs Carnegie appearance. :-( I just put it on my shopping list at Amazon. Now something for you IF you like obscure music. Since you like Pletnev, and you love good recordings, if you are up to some obscure,... 
Power cords and soundstage
Douglas, I have no evidence. I'm only going from my knowledge of audio set up and recordings and Jylee's description.Now since you have implied, if not said directly, that the major sonic changes heard by Jylee were actually caused by a PC change,... 
Chopin Fantasie Impromptu, Opus 66
Yep, re Kissin/Levine. And I didn't even think of Levine as a pianist, although I guess all conductors do play the piano. :-)Now for something almost oxymoronic - Volodos plays Schubert and on Sony no less. Outstanding nuanced performance (who da ... 
Power cords and soundstage
Douglas, Contrary to your impression, I also do not think PC's can alter phase and I was inviting observations from others. Sometimes my statements are more figurative, more open to interpertation, than to be taken literally. Sometimes intentional... 
Chopin Fantasie Impromptu, Opus 66
Audiophile1,FWIW, I JUST recieved my copy of the Kissin Impromptus 4 this AM, my earlier comments were about his recording on Volume 1 at Carnegie hall which did not include it.For performance comparisons, for Jax's purposes, I did a down and dirt... 
Chopin Fantasie Impromptu, Opus 66
Interesting experience. That must have been fun! Wish I'd been there. I suspect we (audio equipment enthusiasts) could all benefit from a greater understanding of the various recording practices of recording engineers and how those practices trans... 
Power cords and soundstage
Douglas, I think you misunderstand my post and what I was trying to accomplish, and read far to much into my statement about a personal experience in component/system adjustments. Different sources make a profound difference in systems as do diffe... 
Rogue Magnum 99/ph vs PrimaLuna Pro3 vs AE PH-1?
Probably depends on your sonic expectations and the amp you are connecting the pre-amp with. I only know Rogue by reputation but own and use a Prologue 3. The Primaluna has a highish output impedence of 3500 ohms and requires careful amp matching,... 
Chopin Fantasie Impromptu, Opus 66
Reprince, The recording engineer was Leszek Wojcik on the Kissin Chopin Vol 1. It was recorded in 1993 in Carnegie Hall. (Hard to believe Kissin has been around that long!)Obviously I've been surprised by Jax2's comments, at least the degree to wh... 
Heaver grade vinyl vs Standard
Not me. It's about the quality of the recording/pressing, not vinyl thickness. In fact most of my best recordings are of the common thickness, that associated with recordings pressed in the 50's, 60's and 70's. I've got a bunch of 're-issues' on t... 
Holographic imaging
Rebbi, Regarding your comments about the frontal plane of the sound v the frontal plane of the speakers, and Tvad re your view supporting Rebbi's definition of 'holography', in my limited experience I have found that putting sound out in front of ... 
Chopin Fantasie Impromptu, Opus 66
Jax 2, I'm sure you are too careful to make the mistake, but lest my comments about my purchase of the Kissin Impromptus 4, it is NOT in Vol 2. It is in a newer/different release.BTW, I'm still puzzled about the gain differential as well as any so... 
Fuses amperage question
I don't know, but if I had to guess I'd chose to think the 10A fuses should have been listed as 1A. If for no other reason than 10A's is letting a lot of stuff pass, and the difference between 1A and 10A could be a simple printing edit error. In e...