
Responses from newbee

No reviews for Magus pre amp
Am input impedence of at least 47K, 100K would probably be better. If I had to select a SS power amp with 47k imput impedence and high current enuf to drive 4ohm (and lower) impedence loads well, in your price range, I would find a used Muse 100. ... 
No reviews for Magus pre amp
I've still got my MFA Magus - I bought it in the mid 90's. It is an excellent pre-amp. I wouldn't put it in the same league (or system) as a Yamaha SS amp. The only issue with this pre-amp might be the output impedence, which is as I recall, 3500 ... 
How many great CDs do you have?
Frankly I'd much rather " the quest..." of fine music. I've always been more pressed to find involving music, music that commands attention. Audio has always been, although at times it has not seemed so (as in the past 4 years or so), of s... 
How many great CDs do you have?
My interpertation of the term 'reference CD' would only encompass one that has outstanding sonic attributes AND and an outstanding performance. I would guess that I have a couple hundred at the most out of maybe 5000(+/-?). Outstanding 'anything' ... 
Please teach me something
Take the digital out from the CDP. That is the only way to do it. If you don't have one you are out of luck. Analog output(s) don't have a signal the DAC can decode. 
kt88 base temperature
When you did your research did you find any mention of the possibility that the tape might inhibit the ability of the metal base to dissapate heat? Maybe that limited dissapation, as small as it might be, could change the internal temp of the tube... 
How to diagnose the need for room treatment?
Re distance - 10 ft from the plane of the speakers (10 1/2' from each speaker itself).Re takaways - IMHO, yes. 
How to diagnose the need for room treatment?
Shadrone/Almarg - Good point about beaming in HF and the effect of tinkering with toe-in. But with speakers 11 ft away, and with only a six ft spread, you really are not that far off axis to begin with.Shadrone, "The bass response is superb...". O... 
Primaluna opinions wanted
Primaluna amps, pre-amp, and integrated amps are cost effective and dependable units. If you like the sound/synergy with your other stuff. If.......It is excellent product at a modest cost. It ain't a giant killer, as you put it, but then I think ... 
How to diagnose the need for room treatment?
SPL meter readings could be a LOT worse - a few observations.....1)5db bump at 32 hz will add just a little sense of deep bottom end, not a bad thing actually for many.2)3.5 db boots at 85db will add to the sense of bass, again not a bad thing, an... 
Speaker noise - hissing
Rockyboy, When you changed out the tubes, did you replace the tubes with tubes tested for low noice? Lots of NOS, and new production tubes are not all that 'low noise' in demanding applications like your AA. 
Hum in VTL 125 mono block amps
Couple of other things to try...1) Disconnect the amp from the pre-amp, muting may not be enuf.2) Makes sure that all unused PC's are disconnected from outlets (believe it or not another hum I had was sorced to exactly that!).3) If that fails, bit... 
Hum in VTL 125 mono block amps
Could be you are getting some low level hum from the small tubes? I've had that problem recently and solved it with new/different small tubes. 
Recommendation for vacuum tube CD-player
Don't laught too quickly when I recommend an old California Audio DAC (with or without the Delta transport). I use mine specifically for jazz/vocals because it is a bit forward in the mid-range and if anything (compared to my other stuff) a bit co... 
Testing speakers in room
"What is good enough".....For me, +/- 3db is good enuf, but I have mine down to +/-2db except for a room dimensionally induced dip of 4/5db at 45hz (depending on room temp I think) which shows up in tests at 40/50hz levels, and this is referenced ...