
Responses from ncarv

Tube vs Tran
All good answers. Ultimately, it comes down to personal taste and, for some, convenience. 
Steam Revisited
I use a steamer and a VPI 17, but, when I have a record that needs even more, I use the Disc Doctor fluid and brushes. I don't think the VPI puts as much pressure and as evenly on the record as the DD brushes, and his fluid seems to be more of a w... 
What would you upgrade next ??
There's an Audio Logic DAC here on audiogon -- an awesome piece: is on the mark, too . . . room treatments are probably half of what makes a system sound great. Check out:http://ww... 
Best Small budget speakers for girlfriend
I bought my then girlfriend a pair of Spica TC-50's several years ago. They sound great and she still has them.If you really want something inexpensive, a pair of Paradigm Atoms should make her very happy: 
Tubes to solid state for amplifier path...
Right, Soundlock! I just lower the thermostat! 
Goodbye CD's
High rez downloads will be the death of commercial CD's, store or internet bought. There will be no reason for them. The only viable physical media left will be LP's. Amazon and Circuit City both have extensive online LP catalogs now.As for the Sq... 
lost sound in right tube mono
check the fuse? 
rooms and sound levels
This is the perpetual problem with CD's. It can improve with better players, transports or DAC's, but, IMHO, never be conquered completely. 
should i go to the cirkus or not ?
There is a newer Lingo. It is no longer in the "shoebox" format, but looks more like a standard component -- about 19" across as opposed to a few inches across and long front to back. Supposedly it has been upgraded, but I'm skeptical as I haven't... 
should i go to the cirkus or not ?
I upgraded to the Cirkus, but along with the Trampolin and Linn silver phono cable, a little over a year ago. It was a significant upgrade, but since I did all three at the same time, I can't say for sure how much the Cirkus contributed, as differ... 
Why does my vinyl sound so bright?
Yes -- start over and remount the cartridge. Verify ALL parameters, as each will affect the other. 
Why does my vinyl sound so bright?
Perhaps an adjustment to your VTA, lowering the arm a bit. I'm not sure why this would be affected by the move to the wall shelf, but it's worth a try and it costs nothing. 
PC connect to audiophyle system
Bolder Cable does modifications to the Squeezebox and will also modify a power supply you supply. I did the power supply mod and it was effective. 
PC connect to audiophyle system
Squeezebox is a great little product that can be used wireless or with Ethernet cable and is only $300. Resolution is pretty good, but not quite CD quality. The new Duet, also by Logitech, is similar, but with the display on the remote, $100 more.... 
Value in
Another you might add to you list are the Dunlavy SC-IVA's. A great speaker at a very reasonable used price. An advantage is that the drivers, though originally critically matched, are stock Vifa and Scanspeak and can be replaced (if needed) at ve...