
Responses from natalie

New or used amp?
Rogue 120 would be a good choice.I heard a 4B-ST today and would take the Rogue over it. 
What to do... US Postal Money order not received.
Be patient. 
Where can I buy Monitor Audio speakers on the web?
There is a lot of overpriced over hyped let the sheep follow products out here.Remeber it better to be smart than rich when it comes to buying audio gear.I hear a ton of junk that have money marketing hype on theier side and sheep like you that fo... 
Help with Upgrade
If you want a changer go with An Anthem CD1.For 1K your system with sound infanitly better.Diy Interconnects will get you most of the way there.For 300.00 you can go with a Coincident IC.You could spend triple and do no better.You can spend 5 time... 
Stereophile's A+ vs A rating leaves a question
Not one of the players you mentioned is near the AUdio Aero Capitole.I have been fortunate to listen to this player at Globe Audio the North American is the best CD player I have ever heard bar none. 
Where can I buy Monitor Audio speakers on the web?
Have you heard them.If you have not you should.I have yet to be impressed with any of their speakers. 
Sonic Frontiers is bankrupt?
Sc53 good point.You can only do SE versions for so long.Sit back and enjoy the gear.Its still being serviced and supported.What more could you want. 
Sonic Frontiers is bankrupt?
Whats to be sad about.They are not bankrupt.Still there to service and support gear they made.Just talking a break from Tube MFG. 
Tube amp decision?
Get another FDecware amp.Plain and simple this will do the job. 
Component dampening
Soundcoat.Email Frank At 
Sonic Frontiers is bankrupt?
The Tube End is on hold.Belive me they will bring it back when the market is ready for it again.For know they have a cash cow to milk.Thats the HT side. 
Two systems? Why?
2 systems is the way to go.There is something about a tv in the Middle of speakers that just makes for lousy 2 Channel reproduction.Put 80% in 2 Channel rest in HT. 
Sonic Frontiers is bankrupt?
No far from it.Sonic Frontiers is wholly owned by Paradigm.They are strong and they are more involved in the Anthem side of HT gear for know.A high end line of SOnic Frontiers HT gear is on the drawing board. 
I need some advice on speakers..
To clarify.If you get bright sound out a Super Eclipse,its the source that is bright not the speaker.I have a 4 year old Nak cd player which on my Coincidents with certin source material can be bright.When I play the LP of the same music its not a... 
Home Theater Neophyte-Speaker Recommendations?
Ebay is overpriced on most Consumer Electronics.Dont overlook Marantz and Nakamichi on a Reciever.A PAradigm or PSB combo will be very nice and you should do well with 1500.00 Start with PSB Golds USed in front and build from there.Build 2 systems