
Responses from natalie

Deciding on the right huge speaker
We still need to know the size of your room to see of any of the speakers you chose would be appropriate. 
What's more important speakers or amplification?
Chances are a better source will do the trick.More bang for your buck.Sales people disagree because the most margin is in Speaker sales.40/50% VS 25% on average on components. 
Deciding on the right huge speaker
Audiokinesis,I would not ever buy anything from you.Your advice is abhorent.To suggest one does not need to listen in his own room is foolish.If you sell a 30K product and figure the room its going in is not important then you aint goin to be my h... 
Deciding on the right huge speaker
The size of your room is the most important factor you have to deal with.Tell us your room size and I am sure we can make some proper recomendations.The Krell sounds like a totaly inapropriate choice.For the money and not to be full range. 
Parts Connection - Now where do I find parts?
Paradigm bought Sonic Frontiers over 2 years ago possibly even 3 + years.They put money in to keep them going and have decided that the growth is in HT.SF statred out as The Parts Connection and evolved into Sonic and Anthem.Since HT is king and s... 
Parts Connection - Now where do I find parts?
If it where the same Company they would have bought the name and takin over the stock.They did not. They have no ties to Sonic Frontiers.They initially tried to use the catalog and SKU # of the Old Parts Connection untill threatened with a Law suit. 
Sonic Frontiers Power 1 good deal or foolish?
Dont hesitate.There is little growth in the tube market for the time being.SF have shiffted thier focus to the HT market with the Anthem line.I also belive they will be comming out with some high end SF HT gear.They are not out of the tube bussine... 
Parts Connection - Now where do I find parts?
Not same company. A group of people who are trying to pass them self's off as the old company. 
Fair market value of a turntable/arm/cartidge?
1999 used book price on the Delphi is 1100.00 1000.00 for total pkg is more realistic.Why would you sell this.Its a good table good arm.Get a decent cartridge and your set. 
European -vs- US high-end
Tenor,Wytech,Coincident,PSB,Mirage,Verity,Sonic Frontiers,Anthem,.I can go on and on.As good as any and by far better value considering the value of a lonnie.Hey we even had one at center ice at The Olympics.Brought us Hockey gold times 2.We are n... 
cable cooker, do they work?
Just dont spend more than 60 bucks on one.Some of the prices in the coockers are plain stupid.I guess convinience and lazziness have to be paid for. 
cable cooker, do they work?
Yes but for far less money go buy an old reciever and old source and a 10$ pair of speakers hook them up in the gargage press play and come back in two weeks.60 Bucks and you have the same thing. 
Opinion of Coincident power cord's?
Stick with the synergy you would get from using Coincident Power Cords.Your Other option is to use an Asylum PC.They are the best I have used under 500.00 
Best KT88's for an Mc 2000 ? Any suggestions
The EH 6550 is a good choice.Mac is not doing anything that any Auto Company has not done for the past 100 years.You pay the piper when you want parts. 
I Need a Reference Point
Enjoy the player and dont worry where it fits.You likeed it enough to buy it.Dont let someone who has never heard it bum you out with dumb comments.