
Responses from natalie

I need your expert advise
Tacs your way off base,The nad is so far down the food chain that it is the weak link in the sysytemA rega Planet 2000, MF A3CD,something in this range is required.Even a NAD silver series player will lift this sytem a few rungs. 
IC upgrade suggestions - 300 budget
Try Coincident IC.Very detailed 
I need your expert advise
Put the 600 into a proper source.That will get you more bang for your buck.Take a step back figure out how much you can put into a source.The 600.00 you have will move you way up the digital food chain. 
Help with CD player
The Planet 2000 is a good choice,The Complete is a nice player.I heard it with some Silverline Sonatas.The Planet 2000 is better.Its worth the strech. 
Spade V/S Banana
Banana for convinience.Spade for best sonic results. 
Monoblocks or Bi-Amp
There is 1 advantage of Mono blocks.Short runs of speaker cables.This is a plus.With the Tempest adding a 88 is a very nice option. 
Help with CD player 1000
The Linn is a good choice.I heard it up against the CD 72 no contest.Also trounced a Musical Fidelity A3CD.Used they are great Value. 
Looking for a tube preamp that is 1700 or less.
Listen to a Rogue 99,the SF Line 2 is also a good choice.Dont buy anything you cant Audition in your own set up. 
Best 1,000 complete system for girlfriend ideas
Buy an Integrated amp,you get more bang for you buck than seperates.For 329.00 you can buy a brand new NAD T550 DVD-CD player from Upsacle Audio.Your well on your way. 
TAS new look-the end is near?
Its been a RAG for sometime.The old values it was founded on are long gone. 
Power cords
Cords make a difference.Though there is a point of diminishing has a cord that gets you 98% of the way there for under 75.00 
Would the Audio Aero Capitole better Theta
The Cary is not in even clsoe.Plain and simple a huge step down from the Audio Aero.Sim Moon ECLIPSE EMC-1 are vastly superior to the Cary. 
Properly set up gear is so hard to find.There are many stores that sell HIFI but very few who now how to really show it off.Locally Alternative Audio have it down to an art.8 rooms properly set up.Any one within 8 Hours of Dundas,Ontario make a we... 
McIntosh hum problem
Sounds like a ground loop. 
what is the best speaker for a flea power amp
Klipsch will work well.Try some La Scala's.WAF Factoe 0 but they sound good.Tell her to evaluate them with her ears not her eyes.