
Responses from natalie

Upgrade CD player or wait
Dont touch the Theta.The Planet 2000 is a good choice. 
Best isolation device for a tube pre-amp
An empty box Of Montecrosto #4 works well.Put the cigars in the Humidor and fill the box with silica sand.Place it on top of the pre amp.Works great. 
Best speaker for medium to low power tube amps??
Coincident work well.If you like the Merlins the Super Eclipse will be a nice choice also. 
I need some advice on speakers..
The Avant Garde is nice but not in the Same league as the Super Eclipse.There is a pair on this site for 3800.00 you wont do better and will do worse for as much as double the money. 
Best home theater receiver for 500
A used Marantz SR-880 or Sr-880II are both a good choice in that price range. 
Best isolation device for a tube pre-amp
Vibrapods are your best bet for the Buck.If you want .00675% improvent spend 300+ extra bucks on Rolerblocks.I dont think its worth it but.Thats my story and I am sticking to it. 
Attention Cary CD Owners
There should be a connection to the display.Disconnect it.It will sound better also.Someone with a service manual should be able to post with correct instructions to disable it.If you re sell it hook it up again. 
"Downsizing" to a maybe better CDP?
If you like the sony sound fine.Though I think for the same money you can do better.I hate the Japanese sound.To Digital sounding.Chalk board noise. 
What do you think? Assemblage ST-300 B
I have heard one.With the right speakers and a Straight feed from a CD player with volume control very nice.If the 300B sound is to your liking you wont be disapointed and you could spend more and do worse. 
Rogue Audio or Mcintosh
One is not better than the other.It they both have a there own sonic signiture.Some will prefer one over the other it does not make it beter.Everyone chose with your ear's. 
"Downsizing" to a maybe better CDP?
Do not touch Sony.A Rega Planet 2000 is a good choice. 
regular vinyl pressings
Its probably more than 70 Grams but hey Canadian pressings are very flimsy. 
Does anyone answer e-mail? Hello?
You cant read can you tireguy.I said if you dont want low ballers put firm.You do, I agree with you.If you put frim in your add dont reply if you dont and list OBO then you owe any offer a reply. 
Does anyone answer e-mail? Hello?
Take the time and have the courtesy to answer all.Dont ignore what you percieve as a low ball.Answer them back with what it will take.If you dont want lowball offers list your price as firm and state it.You never offer what someone is asking.If yo... 
How to pick your first SET tube amp?
The speakers are not made by Isreal.They are made to his specs.One thing is certin.They are a good amp or he would not sell it.His main Bizz is speakers he wont risk it at the expense of selling sub standard amps.