
Responses from natalie

Newbie - Integrated to go with Paradigm 5seMK3's
Your CD palyer is by far the weekest link in your system.You dont know what your gear sounds like yet.Spend 1K on a good palyer and listen for a while.Or if the CD player has a Digital out put in a DAC. 
Help with amp choice, three on short list.
Rogue 120 is a better choice. 
Greatest American Rock and Role Bands of ALL Time
Since when is Santana American? 
Suggestions for my first turntable?
Carefull on the NOS.Most of it is overpriced junk.Not the real thing.Yes true NOS is tthe way to go.But carefull where you get it from.Some of the Radiotechnique out there is very bad and noisy.Buyer beware 
Which Preamp for Bryston 4BST. BP-25 or Rogue 66
Detailed generally equals more bright.The 66 will add the warmth that makes music very enjoyable.No listner fatigue. 
Subject: Anti-Piracy Breakthrough
Ya but the pirate will be able to make Cassetts 
Suggestions for my first turntable?
Find a used Well Tempered 
Noticed alot of Sonic Frontiers being unloaded
Sonic Frontiers was purchased By Paradigm about 2/3 years ago.The company is know soley foucused on the Anthem line of products.The SF line is still being suppported Warranties and reapirs are being handled in thier Oakville,Ontario plant..The gea... 
TRELJA in New York, 2002
Did Music Hall show the Tubed Cd Player from China. 
Biggest Improvement Speaker Cable Or Interconnects
Mohamed,yes so true.Source first fix the output at source where the most effect can be had. 
Which Amp Would You Buy
Buy Rogue 120 will be your last amp. 
Suggestion on spending 3500
Audio Aero Capitole used 
What if you had an entire week.....
U2 Actung BabyBeatles Abbey roadBowie Spiders from marsNeil Finn 7 Worlds Collide LiveU2 Unforgetable fireU2 All you cant leave behindSex Pistols,Rockin Roll SwindleSex Pistols Never Mind The BullocksPavarotti War Child Stranglers IV 
Gershmann speakers: Underrated or just average??
RX 20 Avant Garde is a beauty.You can spend 2 3 4 times more and get less.The bass is very good for such a small foot print. 
Constructing/braiding your own speaker cables.
A good plenum grade CAt % is all you need.The WBT are a huge waste.I had them on the end of a cat 5 run Switched to bare leads sounded as good or better.