

Responses from nandric

Help me with a Fidelity Research FR64 part
Dear chakster, ''the nose'' of the screw should not be hammeredfor obvious reason of damaging the thread. I used vice insteadassuming that the screw is not made from steel but some other,softer material. For this reason one should not apply to muc... 
Help me with a Fidelity Research FR64 part
Dear geofkait, Your question ''if those German ingineers werethe same which Russian send back after the war?'' is interesting.Russian obsession with secrecy is the reason that much isunknown about German-Russian military cooperation. To avoidlimit... 
Help me with a Fidelity Research FR64 part
The first Japanese engineers are educated in Germany so, asLew assumed, use(d) metric system. The stubborn and arrogant English and Americans thought that the rest of the world will follow them with their inscrutable measuring system (grin).         
Help me with a Fidelity Research FR64 part
Dear dover, this is the most strange argument against my propositionI have ever heard; that primary language in Japan is not English.If you read whatever translation from Japanese in English you canhardly understand what they mean (grin). However ... 
Help me with a Fidelity Research FR64 part
Dear dover, Lew is my English teacher so I agree with him andconsequently disagree with you, ''NUT'' and ''STABILIZER'' aredifferent ''animals'' despite the right picture on your reference. The name by your picture should be ''NUT'' and not STABIL... 
Help me with a Fidelity Research FR64 part
Dear chakster, I also bought replica B-60 so don't need the originalshaft (or ''base'') with mention NUT. However this (whole) part isalso offered for sell on different sites. You can't sell this partwithout the nut or get the same price as with t... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
I still think that the question is impossible to answer as stated exceptif we believe  that clairvoyant is possible. The question should be putin present tense:   ''The best TT at present''.  
Re-tipped phono cartridges
Dear chakster, ''free will'' and ''free choice'' are inscrutable notions.The first is invented by Kant the second is suggested by liberalcapitalism. I think that you assume both in your advices (grin).Even the manufacturer have no ''free choice'' ... 
Re-tipped phono cartridges
Dear chakster, I don't know when my Klyne 7PX 3.5 is produced(80is?) but there are ''filters'' included for different hf frequency resonances. From 20 Khz till 35 Khz. There are also recommendation for about 30 wel known MC carts. The ''system'' i... 
Re-tipped phono cartridges
We have seen different assumptions about durability of styli.From, say, 500 till 2000 hours. Whatever the case at some pointin time the stylus will wear out. There are then two alternatives.Exchange for the new cart by the manufacturer which offer... 
JVC MC1 Moving Coil Cartridge - Heritage?
Dear chakster, Dertonarm was the first who advised me toget those FR-7 kinds with low impedance FR SUT's. Myproblem was the assumption that one needs different SUT'sfor different carts impedance. I own many MC's with differentimpedance  but I was ... 
ZYX Optimum phono cartridge - a defining statement
Dear Lew, I am sorry to see how you interpret my writing. You can read my writing but not my mind. I am the biggest admirer ofyou in this forum. You are my ''English teacher'' because I learnEnglish by reading your, say, prose. However ''critical ... 
ZYX Optimum phono cartridge - a defining statement
@jollytinker, I assume that you mean with Dostojevski ''art'' aspart of the combination with ,say, ''mechanics''. I do believethat this is the case by the so called ''tuning'' by the master. All themechanical parts look nearly the same but ,say, J... 
ZYX Optimum phono cartridge - a defining statement
Dear chakster, ''Advocate'' in USA is called ''attorney''. For thepoor people there are ''no cure no pay'' kinds but even the richpeople fear the bills from the other kind.We also have different kinds of members. There are those who ignore the pos... 
ZYX Optimum phono cartridge - a defining statement
@jollytinker , What you think that Lew is referring to and whathe really referred to don't need to be the same. He was referringto the lack of knowledge about the Universe while he himself hasno knowledge about those LOMC' to which Chakster referr...