

Responses from nandric

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
In addition to Fleib's arguments. I just got Dertonarm's new Archon MC cart. I use this cart with his Arche headshell. Well I was confused by the angle at which the stylus is fastened to the cantilver. I assume 23 degrees but am not sure. So the o... 
Grace F9 question
I own the F9 E. I noticed that the stylus or rather the cantilever is fastened or centered with the so called 'tension wire'. There is no way any re-tipper can do anything about the suspension involved. A new cantilever can only be put in the (cut... 
Second Tone Arm
You will need an armpod to put next to the TT and 12" tonearm because of the increased distance to the spindle. I ordered both by the Reed (www.reed.lt) for my Kuzma Stabi Reference. But to enjoy both arms you will also need an phono-pre with two ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Banquo, The modesty is not a qualitity of a person butdepends from the circumstances. I first thought that thereare no aftermarket styli for the JVC-X1 available and than come 4 of them across by pick-upnaalden in Holland. All ofthem are mark... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Good news for those who own the JVC-X 1. I discovered 4styli which can be used as substitute for the original.By 'pick-upnaalden.com' named as 'JVC DT-X1-MK2'. I purchased the 'Tonar 00740-DE' for 52 euro and am surprisedwith its quality. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Bangue, This is my third MM cart with the so called'tension wire' behind the cantilever. Grace 9 and TechnicsU 205 mk 3 the other two. Jcarr mentioned tension wire inone of his previous post. I think that this tension wiremay 'explain' their ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Does anyone own the JVC X-1? This cart is one of the bestMM carts I have ever heard. Alas I broke the cantilever bymy attempt to straithen the thing. I thought that the cantilever is made from aluminum but it is a kind of metalrod. Are there any r... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Pkoegz, I am a supporter of G. Marx: "if you don't likemy principle I have other''. What about this chef by Maxime: 'nothing can compare with a good cooked potatoes'.I would prefer prime rib with green peas. But in some otherdomain some may prefer... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Pkoegz, In a similar context I addressed our (rich) memberThuchan with the story about his compatriot Marlene Dietrich. She was wondering why the American women are so badly clothed. 'At present' (the 60is) she stated ' one can get decent clothing... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Acman3, There is this old prejudice about 'absent-minded' teachers. My English teacher explained those new punctuation signs but, alas, in the wrong thread.By accidence I discovered his expalanation in the 'Vintage DD turntables'. The new pun... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Acman3, There is this old (confused) conecption about thedifference between 'quality and quantity'. Well if one isan obssesed collector of carts the savings must come fromsomewhere. Besides I think that the 'good old punctuation' is already very c... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Dover, See Dover 07-13-13: ''the essence = does one prefer the 'rising high end' of the MC carts or...''Halcro, I amdire your creative mind but your punctuation innovations are not yet explained to me by Lew. However I deed recognise the hamm... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Addendum. Fleib ,I forget the DVD player. Not for me.I think that music is meant for our ears while violence,love stories and other adventures for our eye. Besides Ialways listen to the music with my eye closed. This way Ican imagine to be the sin... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Fleib, Because of Jcarr I was polite. I should address you only and rephrase my 'menace': If you continue with revealing the shortcomings of (all) carts I will buy a (SA) CD player. Now regarding Raul and my favorite carts I like the distorti... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Fleib, If you and Jcarr continue with revealing the complexity and faults of carts I will buy a CD player (grin).