

Responses from nandric

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Comrad,Sir Fleib, There are believes which are stronger than facts. Facts are assumed to be the same as true statements. Well your cantilever ranking is based on true + scientific statements.Say: 1. beryllium, 2 (tubed) boron, 3 ordinary boron, 4 ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Fleib, With your way to clean the styli you actualdo the job which should be done by the styli producers: polishing. One of the myths by the Kiseki carts is thatthe (more expensive) models are polished with human hair.No myths were involved b... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Fleib, Your interest, not to say obsession, with csntilevers is well known while you are lucky that 'we have' a person with endless patience and nearly as much knowledge who can answer your question. My hyphothesis however is that styli are m... 
Anyone try the replica B-60 Fidelity Research VTA?
Hi all, I got the new (bronze) screw from Tien the seller of the B-60 replica. My assumption that this screw causedmy problem was right. No 'sideway' movement of the collarof my FR-64 anymore. So I am glad to be able to recommend the replica. For ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Audpulse, It is rather the other way round. This follows from your own arguments: the enormous amount of 10 MM carts which you intend to reduce to a more managable unknown number while you are not anymore interested in the 'flavors of the month'. ... 
where to install a tonearm
Hi Schubert, Because of my ,say, Balkan jokes theDutch never invited me for a dinner so I don't neededto do the dishes. And then I am sure that I have justone dad but if I could do without him I would preferthis state of affairs if this was possib... 
where to install a tonearm
Hi Schubert, This is called 'assimilation' (aka 'the majority rule') while you actually confirm that the rule works. In 'good old days' the kids were forced to behave'normal' and use their right hand. At present, in particular in Holland nobody kn... 
where to install a tonearm
Hi Schubert (the family of?), You mean that the super intelligent lefthanders adapt and improvise on theright side of the plinth. There is namely no left sideto adapt to or improvise with. Except of course when theplinth is turned around with the ... 
where to install a tonearm
Hi John, What about us? The most are right-handed so the'normal' arm position is already determined by the TTproducers. Or should I say plinth producers? I have seldomseen plinths with sufficient space for a tonearm on theleft side of the plinth. ... 
has anyone had any problems w/ Jasmine phono LP2.0
Hi Truenai...(what a name), I am continously messing with different carts of both kinds. In some sense it was inevitable to forget to switch from MM to MC input or the other way round. That is how I discovered that the MM input has sufficient ampl... 
Cartridges in general
Dear Jcarr, You are as always kind, polite and helpful.But your 'help' is a mixed blessing. First of all I startedthis thread to help you with YOUR idea to extend the MMthread to more kinds of carts than MM and MC kinds only.At high shool my best ... 
Kiseki = what to do?
Van den Hul in the Netherlands can only be reached viaHIFI dealers. But Axel Schurholz in Germany can be approached direct:www.schallplattennadeln.de 
Kiseki = what to do?
See Vinylengine:Compliance: 20 x 10-6 cm/dyne;Ipmedance :42 Ohm ( 500 Ohm phono) 
Phono cartridge grading
I dont believe that 'grading' belongs to philosophy butwell to logic and mathematics. In the ordinary languagewe have the metaphor about the forest and the trees ofwhich a forest consist while nobody believes that anforest can be described by the ... 
Kiseki = what to do?
Assuming that you are Italian you should try Torlai inItaly. He does all repairs even the coils.