
Responses from mzkmxcv

Modern AV Receiver vs Amp / Pre-Amp separates? Genuine question
Look at the Audioholics measurements of the Denon X3300; the DAC/pre-amp/amp isn’t as good as separates, but it’s nowhere near bad. In rating the % of importance for speakers, the room/treatment, and your gear, the speakers are 80%, the room/treat... 
Suggestion for best stereo amp ?
@caphill Did you listen to both in a double blind listening with level matching better than 0.5dB and switching between them in less than 10sec? If so, your evaluations aren’t proof. Sorry if that sounds snobby, just pointing out all the factors ... 
Suggestion for best stereo amp ?
@caphill  You are getting performance that’s a bit worse than the $15K PS Audio BHK 300, so not worth its $55,000 price tag unless the looks are re... 
Monitor Audio Silver 300 amp pairing
How far away do you sit? If sitting ~10ft away, 75W RMS into 8ohm will give you at least 100dB. I usually recommended not running amps at full tilt, so I would suggest at least 100W RMS into 8ohm. It you want, you can always use the Ragnarok as ... 
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
@audioengr   I’d genuinely like to know why. ASR measured the jitter reduction inherent with his AP by doing a J-test with a Toslink loop, then measured the Toslink output of the CCA (using the same cable I would assume), so if the jitter reductio... 
Best Phone Stage for under $1,000.000
Arcam rPhono 
Why does my DAC sound so much better after upgrading digital SPDIF cable?
@cleeds Please re-read what I said. I believe in double-blind tests, but they are not needed to compare DACs when measurements exists and such tests have been done to analyze the thresholds or human hearing. It’s like how I don’t need to race a ... 
Which DAC: Benchmark, Mytek, Audio Mirror, Holo Audio, Mojo Audio?
@astelmaszek   Sorry, but no, Benchmark is a nearly perfectly transparent device. PS Audio’s DACs are good, poor dithering though, but are not better than Benchmark or similar. 
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
Using a DAC to measure jitter using J-test is insufficient and the wrong way to characterize digital sources. It’s okay for characterizing the jitter added by a DAC, but not for digital sources. Digital sources are accurately characterized only by... 
Why does my DAC sound so much better after upgrading digital SPDIF cable?
@boxer12  Don’t need double blind tests when measurements exists, and those measurements are well below human audibility, which is found via scientific blind testing. 
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
@audioengr You don’t give specs as to what dBFS or psec your product is; you’ve stated 7psec before, so I’ll assume that, the ChromeCast Audio has less than 4psec (better than -275dBFS / 45Bit). If your product is better, I’ll retract my statemen... 
Why does my DAC sound so much better after upgrading digital SPDIF cable?
@boxer12 Prove me wrong then; you state they do with no proof so far, yet I have shown proof, and it shows the audible differences can be treated as minimal to non-existent. I’ve never seen the Sun in person without Rayleigh scattering, but I kno... 
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
If using Roon or Android Hi-Fi Cast (most any app/software except Google’s own), the jitter in the ChromeCast Audio is better than -275dBFS (better than 45Bit). @audioengr’s re-clocker will actually introduce more jitter in this case. It’s only if... 
Which DAC: Benchmark, Mytek, Audio Mirror, Holo Audio, Mojo Audio?
Benchmark has its name for a reason. Based on the Brooklyn, Mytek should only be bought if you disable MQA and the volume control.  @djones51   What measurements are you looking at in particular, as I don’t see it. Similar jitter reduction and the... 
Why does my DAC sound so much better after upgrading digital SPDIF cable?
@boxer12 All I’m saying is if your system has jitter that’s -130dBFS, that’s not an audible issue, and you shouldn’t upgrade your cables, DAC, buy a re-clocker, etc. to “fix” it. That’s like complaining that your speakers have a 0.1dB spike at 10...