
Responses from mwinkc

In the beginning
Great video, MC  
Not Sure If This Is OK Here, But Here Goes
Nonoise, Hah! Love and agree with your post!     
Sexiest New 'Vintage'-Style Integrated/Amp/Receiver
James633,  since yesterday. See "forum updates 11/24" This link might take you there.    
Zu vs. Tekton? -- your comparisons on price, build, sound
The YouTube channel, 2 Channel listening has a few fairly indepth comparisons between Zu and Tekton.... just Google zu vs tekton to find them. In one or more of them he takes them apart to examine hardware and cabinetry.  
Who are the Stand Up Guy's and Gals in this Audio Industry?
Peter Ledermann - The SoundSmithInventer, engineer, educator, innovator and a really great guy to talk with about anything cartridge or stylus related....One of the great ones in the industry. 
What do you think is the best integrated amplifier under 1000
I got the Parasound NewClassic 200 Integrated last Winter and have been totally satisfied with it.Upgrading from Emotiva separates, I found it had plenty of power and control, while improving bass and mid-bass definition and imaging.I've used A/AB... 
Who are the Stand Up Guy's and Gals in this Audio Industry?
I had a great experience with Don Walker, of Don Walker Audio in Grand Junction, CO.Good advice and ideas and fair prices. 
Why are there no tube televisions anymore?
I still have a clear memory of helping my Dad pull 15-20 tubes out of our b&w console TV once or twice a year, when it was acting up, and driving to the Bernstein-Applebee electronics store where we’d kill an hour or so testing each one a coup... 
Best Desktop Speakers under $500
The Kef Q150's that Jon_5912 suggested would be nice in a smaller room. The coaxial tweeter is great in close quarters.They are not powered speakers, if it matters.Here's the link from Jon_5912's post: 
Nagaoka MP-150 vs MP-200
Wow...guess Asians all look alike to some of you.Ian is from Singapore and he used to buy and review lots of turntables, cartridges etc.No, he's not "a Chinese Communist"I don't know why  but I expected better from this forum.He's and enthusiastic... 
The two stages of audiophilia
Stage 2: enlightenment.After almost 50 years, I've hit stage 2 after downsizing from separates and big Maggies to a nice class D integrated and standmounts. Still enjoying vinyl, optical disks and streaming.Didn't see it coming and it's so nice! 
Question on Denon DL-103 retipping options and preferences
I just googled: Andy Kim needle clinic Bellevue, Washington and the business shows up as "permanently closed".Is he still working on cartridges somewhere?Thanks 
and 30 min later....
Thanks MC!The era when I became an avid listener, on AM radio and LP's, kicked in, in late 63.Great to know the chronology of the hits...slightly different than I recall.Checking out the 70's next! 
One box do it all
I’ve never heard one, but PS Audio makes an integrated with a DAC & Streamer for $2999.It’s called the Stellar Strata. @ 8 ohms, digital, analog & balanced inputs...I saw a used one go ... 
One box do it all
+1 on Parasound NewClassic 200 integrated. I sold my separates and got this last Spring and don't miss them one bit.Great SQ... clean, musical and nicely resolved output with power for most speakers out there.The phono stage holds it's own against...