
Responses from mrdecibel

What does one purchase after owning horns?
Inna, I worked with the Jadis importer during the mid 90s and was at the '96 Stereophile show at the NYC Waldorf as the "demo" guy for 3 days. They were very complicated to set up, as the outboard crossover took a while to adjust and tweek. The Ja... 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
Unsound, I was waiting for you to come on over with your bashing. I can handle it now..... looks like Weseixas has company. What a shame...... 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
Dan ed, well said in 1 paragraph. Strengths and weaknesses equals compromise. It is important to understand what each one of us wants from a system. Equipment reviews and forum opinions/experiences are great, but it takes years, IME, for trial and... 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
Atmasphere, thank you......And yes, set up, gear and care upstream is vital......... 
Avantgarde Uno's Or Klipsch La Scala MKII
Weseixas. Stock Lascala (original) cabinets have major resonance and vibrational problems, which destroy any potential for enjoying them, especially at near field......more info on this can be found on AA and the Klipsch site. 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
Planars and electrostatics are "coherent" in the mid range, which creates magic. They are also great with stage holography, if set up correctly. However, there comes a point with the volume control that they loose this magic by congesting, as most... 
Are there any albums you consider perfect?
Roy Hargrove's "Habana" 
Avantgarde Uno's Or Klipsch La Scala MKII
Br3098. You are not alone. I responded to another recent post by Renmeister. As far as Johnk is concerned, I take nothing away from his experiences, opinions and technical back ground. I take nothing away from anyone who does not like Lascalas, or... 
Are The Klipsch Heritage Series Really Worthy?
The mods I have made to my Lascalas are those to elimimate horn/box vibration and resonance. I find the stock crossover and drivers to be excellent. I made 50 lb bases/risers for them. I own them for a very long time and am extremely pleased. They... 
Switched From Tubes To SS???Glad You Did???
Viridian, I understand everything and appreciate it. I do use a pair of subs. Everything is a compromise somehow. I believe it was Bill Lowe of Audioquest who said it first ; "To do less harm". It is wonderful to have such a vast amount of equipme... 
Switched From Tubes To SS???Glad You Did???
Viridian, I have owned Cornwalls and Fortes (as well as Heresys)and imo they do not compare to Lascalas, no offense meant. All lacked that "magic". Pretty dramatic to make a total system change. How often do you do this ? I recommend you get a pai... 
Switched From Tubes To SS???Glad You Did???
I would like to add that most important aspect, musicality. Prat, dynamics, detail, coherence, imaging and spatial presentation, are all here. A truth, if you will, to the recordings, and, to the listening experience. I am a very happy listener..... 
Switched From Tubes To SS???Glad You Did???
First I want to say I understand tube ownership and benefits, and appreciate all of those who own tubes. Given that, I own Klipsch Lascalas (in my main listening system) and am very happy with solid state behind them. Completely black background. ... 
Where does your user name come from?
I am so sorry . I can't hear you. 
What are the Best FM tuners?
Best sounding fm tuner I owned, and have regrets selling, is the Pioneer Series 20 F26.